Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How Much Is Membership At The Weymouth Club
Simple and super good:
- 4 slices of smoked salmon.
- a ready-made dough feulletés (yes it is more convenient)
- some chives or dill.
- a little lemon juice or cream.
- a small egg
feulletée Cut dough into 4 triangles. Place a slice of smoked salmon (giving the volume) in the middle of each triangle, add, on the edge, a little lemon juice or cream (your choice) and a few chives or dill (still at choice).
Close the triangle of dough by folding the corners to form a triangle (a square if it will change anything taste, but it's prettier in the triangle.)
Brush tops of triangles with beaten egg (which can be added a little milk in the door.)
Bake a good twenty minutes at 200 ° in a preheated oven.
other revenue
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Thermador Smw272 Microwave Dead
On the promontory:
the highest point of the mountain, we are more than 800 m; stands the monastery of Mont Sainte Odile: a church
, a cloister, three chapels, and the buildings now converted to residential inn.
If today this place is a place of Christian worship, I doubt he was not a place of worship long before that and is part of the complex and complete what the Mont Saint Odile.
After having walked on the terraces and have revived this beautiful view, do not forget to stop in the chapel of tears
dark little chapel. It
owes its name to the fact that Sainte Odile would have wept there for the salvation of his father.
front of the altar, part of the soil lacks and we can see the rock of Mount flush. It
for dowsers, the highest point energy of the convent.
Any sensible person can see it by itself.
The first time I went, the tears have flowed and I saw this spring break a fountain of color, ...
On leaving, we can go through the hollow shaft, which invites us into his trunk for a moment of healing.
After this I assure you that you will not be in Arriving in the same state, then you can wander peacefully in the cloister or, if it's cold, drink hot chocolate at the bar.
The convent of Mont Sainte Odile is a place of pilgrimage in France's most popular board and I to enjoy a peaceful place, go there very early morning or late at night and especially avoid Sunday ...
On leaving the convent we can get to the source and we will notice a sign indicating the direction of St Jacques de Compostella.
The place is peaceful and the hiker will be able to fill his water bottle before retracing his steps to address the pagan wall.
Part 1 of the article;
Other articles stories and archeology.
Berger Paints Colour Chart 303

Mr Tolle is German but lives in English Canada, whom some call Eckhart is a lecturer of consciousness very interesting.
He said spiritual teacher, he based his speech on a true story: never having practiced or studied spirituality, Eckhart Tolle known to experience arousal.
At 29 when he was very depressed, and asocials the verge of suicide, from the depths of his suffering came a transcendence, an awakening:
"The past I am not a very useful and I think rarely. However, I would quickly tell you how I came to become a spiritual guide and how this book was born.
Until the age of thirteen, I lived in a state of continual anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. Now I feel about a past life or life someone else.
One night, shortly after my twenty-ninth birthday, I awoke in the wee hours with a feeling of absolute terror. I had often been out of sleep by having such a sensation, but this time was more intense than it had ever been. The silence of the night, dimmed the outlines of furniture in the dark room, the distant sound of a train, everything seemed so strange, so hostile and so utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. But what disgusted me most about all this, it was my own existence. What good is to continue to live with this burden of misery? Why continue this struggle? In me, I felt a deep desire for annihilation, no longer exist largely took precedence over the instinctual drive to survive.
"I can not live with myself." This thought kept coming to mind. Then, suddenly, I realized how much she was weird. "Am I one or two? If I fail to live with myself, that there must be two of me:" I "and" me "who the" I "I can not living. " "Maybe one of them is real I thought."
This realization struck me so odd that my mind stopped working. I was totally conscious, but there was no thought in my head. Then I felt myself drawn in by what seemed like a vortex of energy. Initially the movement was slow, then accelerated. Intense fear seized me and my body began to tremble. I heard the words "can resist anything," as if they were uttered in my chest. I felt sucked into the vacuum. I felt that this void was in me rather than outside. Suddenly, all fear vanished and I fell into that void. I have no recollection of what happened thereafter.
Then the chirping of a bird outside the window woke me. I had never heard such a sound before. Behind my eyelids closed again, this sound took the form of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, that's what it will look. I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn abounded through curtains. Without going through any thought I felt, I knew that the light is infinitely more than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came to my eyes. I got up and began to walk into the room. I recognized, and yet I knew I'd never really seen before. Everything was fresh and like new, just as if everything had just given birth. "
After this experience, he began to study spirituality and realized that his experience was already reported by other speaker or master spiritual, but also the essence of some traditions. He then shared his experience with small group of people along the way, then more and more requested, began giving lectures, writing experience and dévelloppements thus derived.
His first book, The Power of Now was a success and allowed him to become known by many. Here's an excerpt:
"Have you ever had an experience, fact, thought or felt something that does not lie in the present moment? Do you think it can happen to you one day? Is it possible something is outside the present moment? The answer is obvious is not it? Nothing ever happened in the past happened in the present. There will never happen in the future: it will happen in the present. What you see as the past is the memory of a former time now stored in the mind. When you remember the past, you revive a memory. The imagined future is a present, a projection of the mind. When the future arrives, it is in the form of the present. When you think of the future, you do so in the present. Clearly, the past and future are not realities in themselves. Like the moon does not emit its own light but can only reflect sunlight, past and future are only pale reflections of light, power and reality that is the eternal present. Their reality is borrowed from this. The mind can not comprehend the essence of what I'm saying. However, once you enter, there is a shift of consciousness, mind to Being, from time to presence. Suddenly, everything seems alive, radiates energy, animated Being. "
An excerpt that I think is powerful and an accuracy capable of exploding some packaging, quality you rerouve in some other speakers in the same vein.
He continues to write and publish:
After: Putting into practice the Power of Now in 1998.
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment in 2000.
- Harmony: listening to its essential nature in 2003.
- New Earth: the event of human cosncience in 2005.
His speech powerful and challenging questions that sense of identity to the duality and the need for ownership pushed to its climax in the humanity of the new millennium.
here is an excerpt from a talk given by Eckhart Tolle in Hamburg in 2002:
"Let's explore some of the great mysteries of human existence. Chosesauxquelles These adults do most attention, and which they no longer pose dequest. Only children do encore.Alors as we sit here waiting for the words, we realize there is a autredimension than words. What is this other dimension? could that is Lesimple space of silence. When the word emerges, you hear the words and mêmetemps, part of your attention is also focused on the silent spaces, or plan surl'arrière silent. It's very simple. It is only to note that apart Desmots, there is an inner stillness ...."
Link retranscritption Complete conference.
According to the principle that the vibrations of even reasonable s'attiren, eckhart tolle, resembles other contemporary spiritual messengers as evidenced by this conversation between him and Andrew Cohen:
"AC: Why do you feel the need to be alone, and that's going to happen when you take the time to be alone?
AND: When I'm with people, I am a spiritual teacher. It's my job but it's not my identity. Whenever I'm alone, my greatest joy is to be a nobody, to abandon the temporary function of teacher. If I meet a group of people, well, once they leave me, I cease to be a spiritual teacher. There is more then a sense of external identity. I go deeper into just stillness. Immobility is the place I prefer. Not that she ceases to be present when I speak or sign, to the extent that the words emerge from her, but when people leave me, it remains only that, the immobility. And I love it so much.
AC: Would you prefer to tell you that? I had almost completely given up the action, except to keep me alive and even that was miraculous. The future I had become totally indifferent ... I feel like I have found a balance between loneliness and relationship with others, between being and acting,
I know that now I must be mindful that a balance is not broken and not lose myself in action. I doubt that happens, but it requires a certain degree of vigilance.
In your book, The Power of Now you state that "the ultimate goal of world is not in the world but in transcendence of it." Can you explain what you want say?
ET: Transcending the world does not withdraw from the world, stop acting or being in relationship with others. Transcending the world is to act and interact without any self-seeking. In other words, it is to act without seeking to improve the image one has of himself through his actions and interactions with others.
When this research continues, then we may be in the world while not of this world, we stopped looking for something outside which identify themselves.
AC: Do you mean that one has ceased to have a relationship self-centered and materialistic world?
ET: Yes, we constantly seek to develop a sense of self, a deeper sense of self, more accomplished.
It is the same for the person who seeks enlightenment because it seeks to achieve a state of perfection, a state of wholeness, fullness to a point in the future.
What do you mean exactly when you say that the purpose of the world lies in the transcendence of it?
and this is the beginning of awakening when you start to sense that the wrong direction and we may never reach what we strive to achieve
one begins to understand that one may not find the answers we are looking outside,
I realized that stillness deep and vibrant life is what I am. Years later, I called that stillness "pure consciousness", whereas everything that is not conditioned consciousness.
Ultimately, the purpose of the world is for us to lose, to suffer there, create the suffering that seems to be necessary for arousal to occur. And then, when the awakening occurs, is carried along with the pain no longer necessary.
I tell those who come to me: "You're ready to hear what I say because you are listening. There are still millions of people out there who do not listen. They still need time but I am not talking to them. You hear that you no longer need time, you no longer need pain. You do your research and in time you're looking even more suffering. "Just hearing suddenly that" you no longer need it "may be, for some, the moment of transformation.
AC: Often, the term "awakening" is interpreted as the end of the division within the self and the simultaneous discovery of a perspective or way of seeing that is full, complete, or free of duality. Some who have experienced this perspective, say the ultimate realization is that there is no difference between the world and God or the Absolute, between Samsara and Nirvana, between the manifested and unmanifested. But others say that in fact the ultimate realization is that there is no world at all, it is an illusion, empty of meaning, meaning and reality. In your experience, the world is real? Is it unreal? Or both?
so I do not see any separation. There is no separation between being and the manifested world, between the manifest and the unmanifested. But the unmanifested is so much bigger, deeper and bigger than what happens in the manifested.
can almost say that everything that happens in the manifested like a shadow play. It is like steam or fog, where new forms emerge and disappear constantly. For one who is deeply rooted in the unmanifested, the manifested could very easily be described as unreal. I do not qualify unreal because it does not strike me as being separate from anything.
's right, and even each form subject to birth and death, the immortal is present. The essence of any form is what is immortal. Even the essence of a blade of grass is immortal. It is for this reason that the world of forms is sacred
Only when there is complete submission to now, what is that liberation is possible.
Your own life is the land where this can occur.
AC: That's true, many people say they want to meditate or follow spiritual practices, but their spiritual aspirations are not based on a willingness to forgo anything substantial.
ET: No, it can even be the opposite. A spiritual practice is sometimes a way of finding something new to see themselves reflected.
AC: What you're saying is that a world has been abandoned in favor of another, an identification has been replaced by another. We give up a role and it borrows another but nothing has really dropped.
ET: That's correct. Therefore, be it where you are, here and now. It is not necessary to seek another place, another situation to do so. Do it here and now.
AC: You talk about pure action, not tainted by ego? ET: Yes, most first. What comes first is the realization and liberation. Then let the action flow from this - it is pure, not tainted, no karma will be attached to it. Otherwise, whatever the scale of our ideals, we will strengthen the ego hopelessly through our good deeds. Unfortunately, we can not live the commandments unless without ego - this is the case of very little - as was discovered all those who tried to put into practice the teachings of Christ. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is one of the main teachings of Jesus, and you can not perform this command, regardless of our good will, if we do not know who you are deep within oneself. Love thy neighbor as thyself means that your neighbor is yourself, and this recognition of unity is love. "
I cut the article is quite long, here is the link to the full interview .
Here are some interesting links:
Preview a broadcast radio here and now.
Eckhart Tolle 1 / 14
sent zindabad7
Following the conference
Articles Related: Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ken Wilber .
Topic on the forum.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Where Can I Find A Poster Of Peter Doig's Work

"Above all, a big thank you to all the artists who kindly
" The League of mc's extraordinary "is a project that
out regularly (one volume each quarter) that will bring together the
artists in my area as well as various artists from around the world to
they gain notoriety.
If you wish to participate in the next volume please contact me
way to a brief presentation of each artist / group (in alphabetical order) who are on the net
-tape, and the link where you can contact them or
learn more about them if you wish.
> 34V (11 /
34): Diminutive 34-Vendetta, it is training that has released his first album
"Sudtape Vol.1" which announces a series several LP. Note
they are very open and look for MC's who want to participate in future volumes
> A2C (
Ile de France): Formation of two MC's (Xeum & Nex) who designs his music as a weapon
information and denunciation. As Nex said: "After taking
of consciousness comes the position." The revolt has permeated their feathers
and it shows!
Abu Mehdi (Charleroi / Belgium): Author of several albums / EPs
as "The Road of Eloquence". This is a very committed artist, "The Black Panther
" has participated in many compilations (Unplugged Hur, In your streets
Neighborhood dark, ...), he is preparing a new album
> ARS Crew (
34): Beziers Group consists of 4 Mc's that combines content and form.
defined by some as group "talker" are also excellent
lyrics. They released one mixtape in 2008 entitled "Children of
> Beni Blanco
& Zegue (34): Pioneers of hip hop in Montpellier, Beni (
Originally from south) and Zegue (Already Dead) have released good numbers of projects, among them one
include: "The final offensive", "Emergency Angola "or the eponymous album of ODS. Artist
that are very different between the commitment, égotrip ... Praise for a joint album with
Tusa (CNC)
will happen.
> CED (11
): Difficult to talk about yourself, what to say except that I'm from
Narbonne, I try to bring little or themes not yet exploited,
talk about things that keep me at heart, except that I host a show hip hop
on a local radio station K-Mika'Z. A project should come in
2009. &
> Collectif Mary Read (42)
: This group is composed of several Mc's including Calavera, Mina or Nergal.
Meeting under the label "The creations of the skull" they released a package of draft
including "Demo Vol.1 & 2" or the solo albums of Calavera. Antifacsite,
Antisexsite, Anti-capitalist, is the motto of the group
> Deli-K (34)
: Artist solo Beziers. It is great preparation for his mxitape "6k-2 Triss
youth" due out in 2009. Recently he signed a
appears on the Net Tape
> Grand Voyager (
11): Young group of 4 plus 1 Dj Mc's come Lézignan. Produce a thoughtful and conscious rap
away from clichés, that's their vision of rap
hence the concept of "Reflection Art Poetry". They should release a street-album
> H2L (30):
Nimes group consisting of two MC's (Lord &'S Hostyle), they just
out an excellent LP "Austere Universe", except that they are also part of a collective
"Section NA" which brings together several artists Gard .
two artists are very aware that certainly deserve to be recognized for their work and
> Free K-11 (11): Originally from
Gruissan in Aude, this course features 3 Mc's
very different style Kolossal with Latino and committed The indesang
which is more "fit in" and Klézio and that his technique! Their EP "Cape Fear"
coming soon in stores
> K-Mika'Z (11): At the base
it was an entity of "Blood" with Skiz, now solo, he was released early 2008
his "Illegal Mixtape Vol.1" and is preparing to release Volume 2
early 2009, keep the juice, it might hurt
> Kyma (37): Politik
Elektro Rap is what is the Kyma come Tours.
militant group against the commercialization of music of CDs distributed for free.
latest project "The Bad Kromozom" which was released this
> The fiber (12): Venus
straight Millau, rap militant and activist par excellence, commitment to
pure! You can find all their music on the site Dogmazic. At
be missed for those who do not yet know, there's nothing to throw
and it is very rare!
The K-Bine (93): One no longer presents a group heavily involved in hip hop. The
KBIN is 10 years of rap conscious and committed appearances on 150
Releases about shared albums, three solo albums and another for Skalpel
LP coming soon "Self Defence" which promises to be one of the best rap albums ever released
! Besides the title this is from the
> Lapostrof (38):
native of Grenoble, he released an excellent album "The Bracket" and a seri
Net-albums on Face B have had very good success
esteem. He is preparing a new album for 2009. A true artist who loves his music and
makes us share.
> Manek Ologram (
34): Montpellier Group which deserves recognition! You can read some lyrics
on their Myspace, prods made in Chessko
and themes that come out of the ordinary, I really advise you to contact them, they deserve
talking about them!
> Marco (11): Outstanding Artist
that in addition to having excellent flow, is able to sing very well and
not hesitate to share with us talents, after two very good albums
, the third expected to arrive in 2009. He wrote hundreds and
> Nabil &
Barceuloné (34): Nabil group's "DNA" of Sete and Barceuloné
group "Anonymous Reality" in Montpellier have out there Not long ago their respective
project "Between Two Cultures" Nabil and "My little sister" to
two very thoughtful.
> Nikemsi (974
/ Reunion Island): His style is very committed and very spiritual
made him a UFO in the hip hop. It is also part of a group "MAP". After
releases a debut album "conspicuous sign" he partciper
to good numbers of projects and released his own net-tape double cd. He just released "MAP
> Onzesangsale
(11): Narbonne Group consists of 3 MC's: Caly, Kekos and Skol.
also very strong improvisations, they each have a flow that differentiates them and are attached to
burn Babylon. In addition to rap, they may
to record songs as
> P2op (11):
activist par excellence, in the hip hop past twenty years, regularly leaves P2op
albums on the net to download for free. Aware
with real values, a return to basic good! Note that it is also
Slam side.
Piloophaz (42): Former member of the group Etienne "5th Kolonne" he
rolled his hump for many solo artists probably one of the most prolific
Quality is all the time appointment. Some projects that
released "Ode to the madness," "Still Life", "Late Harvest", etc.
> A. Can (66): Artist
Perpignan, huge concert he is joined by several musicians
(Saxo, Drums, Violin, ...) of more by the end of every show he made a
improv 'must-see! It has been almost a year since he released his LP
"The inexplicable" if you have not yet, pick up the emergency! A
writing and enormous energy.
> RAR (11): Narbonne
Training consists of 3 MC's (Messa, Costa & Luciano) and a DJ. A
style really own right, quite old school. On the texts they
involved and denounce what they think
> Squat Records (
11): Venus Corbières, this is a collective that has greatly
artists (ten), the most Kopsy are prolific or Hokum. Each
his style is what makes the strength of the group, some have a penchant
"dirty" while others are more "aware". Kopsy released in 2008 "My church" while
qu'Hokum gave us a "Strike
> Toan (11
) & End Pro (77): Artist very close to Latest Pro
which he grew up in the same village (hence the feat), he has a very jazzy style with themes
operated in a manner very personal, hear! Besides being a rapper, he is very
activist and has also participated in a trip to the Amazon with
almost nothing! Besides, he has a assoc 'Burkina:
> Teka (84): This is a very good rap
! Member of the group size K (Teka & The Mi-k K),
native of Avignon, he has a style staff with lyrics
exceptional! He participated in the compilation "Solaris offensive Sol-Air" and the follow
"Solaris photonics revolution" which comes out to you
obtain absolutely! Besides the title this is from this compilation
> Xplicit
KO (974 / Reunion Island): Group consisting of two MC's (The Samurai & The
Fedayeen), very close to Nikemsi with whom they participated in several compilations
and made various guest appearances. Again the same vibe, text very positive and committed
> Whity (UK)
: One of the artists that give you the most emotion, a unique flow and
texts very touching. Whity is a comet in hip hop and a real hard worker
! For some time he goes out regularly
EPs titled "Esperanto" free download, volume 4 has arrived!
breathe is drawn from it.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Reynaldo Gianecchini Tais Araujo

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Club Car Vs Yahama Gas
We find in many traditions and mythologies of the trace of giants, often fathers of the gods, they are often overwhelmed by them.
Some examples of the trace of the giants in mythology
giants and titans, born from Gaya and Uranus, in Greek mythology
Children by Gaia (Earth), fertilized by the blood shed by the genitals of Uranus, sliced by Cronos.
Giants (Gigantès), sometimes called Gegeneik (born from the Earth), born along the Erinyes and Meliades (nymphs of ash trees). They have a human appearance, with the exception of their legs extended by a serpent's tail.
The Norse mythology is no exception:
giants in perpetual war with the gods or important.
Many know the giant Ymir.
Ymir, the founder of the race of frost giants and an important figure in Norse cosmology, formed ice of Niflheim, where it touched the heat and melted Muspellheim.
Giants out of Ymir's body while he slept, emerged from his armpits a man and a woman, while his legs was born a son.
Ymir lived milk cow who had four Audumla worse.
It licked the ice and salt that Ymir was covered, thus forming Buri, the father of Bor, the father himself of Odin, Vili and Ve.
In the creation myth, Odin, enraged by the brutality of Ymir and killed him and threw him into the Ginnungagap ("the chasm"). The deluge caused by
his blood was so great that it killed all the giants, apart from the grand-son of Ymir (Bergelmir son of Thrudgelmir) and his wife.
Odin and his brother used the body of Ymir to create the Earth Ginnungagap meets his flesh, his hair became trees, his eyebrows became Midgard, and his bones were turned into mountains.
Similarly, teeth and fragments of her bones became rocks and his blood gave birth to rivers, lakes, ponds and sea
source: wikipedia
The Fomor of Celtic mythology:
"The first to arrive in Ireland after the flood were Fomor means" giants of the sea ".
The Fomor were only half human, they are depicted as hideous demons possessing supernatural powers, having only one leg, one hand, one eye on his forehead and three rows of teeth like knives. These invaders
"native" relentlessly resisted successive invasions. This is a feature of mythological and heroic tales that enemies are portrayed as monsters, which adds to the glory of those who fought and controlled. "
The Bible also many references to giants
" When men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born, the son of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took them wives of all that pleased them. And the LORD said, My spirit will dispute the point man for ever in his bewilderment he also is flesh: his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
were giants on the earth in those days, and also in the sequel, because the son of God came unto the daughters of men, and they had given their children:
It is these powerful men who, in ancient times, people were renowned. And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. "
(Genesis 6: 1)
not forget the famous giant goliath
In Hinduism:
"the krta yuga is a cosmic period akin to what some call the golden age:
it is said that during the krta yuga men lived 4000 years and were giants both mentally and physically.
They procreated by a simple desire. "
In seeking yet we could find other sources in the human traditions which speaks of giants, whether in South America, Africa, Egypt and among the Toltecs.
We can find in local beliefs many stories of giants. Simple
mythology after the imagination of humans in search of its origins, symbolic narratives or transmission of collective memory?
Some facts and hypotheses
A small warning: there are some photos that roam the Net giant skeletons, these photos are mostly false, just editing.
here where we can find most of the pictures: a site that offers photo editing contest whose theme was a competitive giants.
Solicitating As these giants discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2004, while sites that repeat the same talk in pictures: These pictures from the site I'm talking about above, here is an example of misinformation spread by gullible people, so I will not give you insult you cite sources that have no value for me.
It would please me to believe the Giants but I can not find any concrete evidence;
therefore in a critical and honest I am obliged to give you the facts.
This does not mean, of course, the giants did not exist, but we can put our theories on any tangible archaeological evidence.
Giant comes from the Greek gigantes, a term used to denominate the giants.
Literally it means born of Gaia (Earth).
giants through traditions, through their physical and their behavior are often associated with chaos. Their son
the gods, by comparison, represents order and are victorious forces of chaos. We could then see
a symbolic explanation of these myths, collected in the giant representation of natural forces.
The arrival of the gods in human thought would represent a victory over these forces.
Can be in agreement with changing conditions of life.
I think the settlement, which can be seen with the advent of agriculture and livestock as a victory over the elements, because from there, the man is no longer dependent on hunting or collection and the goodwill of nature, but can produce itself what it needs.
There is a more practical explanation:
Giants have actually existed, a race of giants on earth, some argue the facts, bones found at a particular location
"The German anthropologist, Larson Kohl, was discovered in 1936 on the shore of Lake Elyas in South Africa, giant human bones.
Paleontologists German anthropologists and Gustav von Weidenreich Königswalde and Frank (1873 - 1948) were found between 1937 and 1941, pharmacies in the Chinese mainland or Hong Kong, several human bones of an astonishing size.
Professor Weidenreich has done, in 1944, a presentation on the remains of giants in the presence of the American Ethnological Society.
Dr. Rex Gilroy, an Australian archaeologist, director of the Mount York Natural History Museum, opened in Mount Victoria fossil imprints of feet of giants whose authenticity can not be doubted.
In addition, three human jaws gigantic debris were found:
one in South Africa, one in Java and one in southern China.
These fragments of giant skeletons also raise many question marks. Dr. Burkhalter, of the French Society of Prehistory, wrote in 1950 in the journal of the Museum of Beirut that the existence of giants in the Acheulean period (stage of the Paleolithic, which coincided with much of the period ice) is a scientific fact.
During excavations in the Caucasus in 1964, we have found in a cave Alguetca near Mangliss, skeletons of men being 2.8 m to 3 m.
It seems clear that researchers have found relevant and recognized important elements that would seek to confirm the existence of giants on the Earth at a very early period.
mythological texts frequently refer, but it is clear that the human gigantism is hardly accepted in scientific circles.
Scheme and the Darwinian anthropologists are not the slightest room for giants of humanity.
Once again, we must turn to ancient texts. "
Here is an example of a proven fraud:
the 19th century, someone introduced in the state of New York, a giant fossilized foot.
despite the expertise of scientists declaring the object as a crude forgery, many people paid with 50 percent see it: Here's what
Kenneth Feder said in his book "Myths, Fraud in Archaeology" published in 2001:
"Experts and scientists, after reviewing the Giant, had immediately understood it was a statue, a clumsy forgery, history absurd, after all, a mere silliness. These scientific findings, objective, rational and logical, however, remained ineffective. In the hearts and minds of people supposed to perfectly normal, it had touched a nerve, and nothing would deter them from believing in the veracity of the Giant. Such stubbornness will come of nothing else but the desire of the crowd (...) to believe in him. "
giants in folklore :
An interresting fact is that we find in the local European folklore but also all over the world of giants, whose feasts are local parades.
We can also meet Jack Frost, giant straw and wood are burned just before the start of spring mean that winter is dead, that good weather and a new birth may finally take place.
These folk rituals and festive events seem to occur for the first, around the thirteenth century during the processions, fairs or local festivals. Often these giants of fabrics and wood are mentioned persons, Sire de Bievre Malassis in or Jean and Jeannette to Hellezelle Belgium.
The origin of the giants in the procession is quite controversial, it appears that the corporation did their "mascot" which allowed them well and see the distinguish in the crowd.
Some also see these giants, guardians of some cities, représentaion great men who have marked the city and its dévelloppement.
For the snowman he is without a doubt it is a personification of a force of nature ...
The myth of giants
sent charisma
Link to the thread on the forum
here a site with a comprehensive article on the giant with a multitude of references étymlogiques
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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There are places where we walk awakens echoes enchanting, these charming places where everyday reality gives way other realities, other universe ...
Where the boundaries between worlds are more tenuous.
From these paths where the past still has many mysteries came close to a present where our lives have often taken a frenetic rhythm. Mount St. Odile is one of those magical places in which to explore its mysterious paths.
In the Lower Rhine at about thirty kilometers from Strasbourg on the summit of the Vosges, stands Mount Sainte-Odile and her famous pagan wall. Alsatian shrine, it is very busy and this seems, long time! For if a monastic community of Mount holds since the 7th century, the place, as evidenced Wall pagan and other objects found on site has been inhabited for a long time.
Sainte-Odile, who gave his name to the Mount was born blind in 662 in Obernai, adalric his father, Duke of Alsace wanted to kill her and her mother arrived at the Berwind entrusted to his nurse who raised him in secret and then took him to a monastery of free-counted.
There she later received the baptism. During the sacrament
she covered the view. She then decided to give his life to God and Christianity. His brother wanted to learn the miracle to his present the father believed dead, this one full of anger Roua blow up his son's death. After the drama, filled with remorse, he offered the Hohenburg it into a monastery that is now the monastery of Mont Saint Odile. Odile share this miracle and the source of the prophecies written:
She arrived at the time of her pop up in the terrible warrior undertake the conquest of the world and people in the army calls' Antichrist. Whoever is cursed by mothers crying as their children Rachel and not wanting to be comforted. Twenty different nations will fight in this war. The Conqueror from the banks of the Danube, the war that he will undertake the most appalling that humans have ever experienced. The armies are flamboyant and helmets of the soldiers will be bristling with tips that will launch lightning while their hands waving flaming torches. They will win victories on land, sea and into the air, as we will see these winged warriors in overlapped unimaginable rise into the sky to seize the stars to project them on the cities to light a large fire .
nations will be in astonishment and exclaimed: "Where does his strength?". The Earth will be overwhelmed by the shock of battle, the flowers will be red with blood and sea monsters themselves flee in terror to the depths of the oceans. Future generations will be surprised that opponents were unable to impede the progress of his victories. Torrents of blood will flow around the mountain, it will be the last battle, ultimate Pugni. But the conqueror reaches the height of his triumphs in the middle of the sixth month of the second year of hostilities, it will be the end of the first period of so-called bloody victories. Believe it then be able to dictate its terms. The second part of the war in length will equal half of the first, it will be called the period decrease. It will be fruitful in surprises that will make people shudder. Towards the middle of this time the tribes submitted to the conqueror will say: "Peace!" Peace! ". But there will be no peace, it will not end but the beginning of the end, when the battle will engage in the city of cities at that time his people will want to stone him, but he will do things prodigious East. The third period will be short lived. Here a just reward of conquering the country will be invaded from all sides, his armies are decimated by a great evil and everyone will say: "The finger of God is there!". People will believe that his end will be next. The scepter will change hands and mine will rejoice. All despoiled peoples regain what they lost and something more. The area will be saved Lutece itself because of its mountains and blessed his women devotees, and yet have believed all to ruin.
But people will go to the mountain and give thanks to God because men have seen such horrors in the war that their generation do not want anymore.
Woe to those who yet do not fear the Antichrist because it will create new monsters. But the era of peace under the iron will arrive. And we will see the two horns of the Moon meet at the Cross. On that day the frightened men worship God in truth
And the sun shone unaccustomed.
Comments No need for you to realize that this prophecy is very relevant.
Another thing adds to the mystery of Sainte-Odile and its monastery, the legend of the source. Sainte Odile would hit the ground near his monastery, a source would have sprung; washing the eyes of a blind pilgrim who was lost with the water newly sprung, the latter regained his sight.
Today the source is still busy and we can often see people who wash their eyes with this water. The place is really enchanting and geologists are wondering about the source. It should not run there, geological faults do not seem to afford it.
The destination of this forum which encircles the mountain is also still open to question. Defensive walls or cult?
Given the destination of Mount today, which is a place of pilgrimage and correlated with many other different Christian places of worship today, which are places of worship since ancient times and before I incline to worship an enclosure, or both, but not solely defensive. Mount St. Odile is a place apart which releases fumes pariculières I will discuss the various interesting points of the site in the second part of the article.
The wall consists of large stones from 1.50 m to 1.80 m long from a good cinquanatine cm wide and thirty high, the blocks are fairly regular. The wall can be up to three meters high. The number of stones to build this wall is estimated at 300,000. They were taken to Mount can still see some rocks with indentations for the extraction started.
Here for an introduction to this wonderful site full of mysterious and sacred places like the cave of the Druids (two dolmens), the mannelstein, the rock-Saint Nicolas, the trail of fairies, Abbey Niedermunster ... I'll introduce in the following sections.
Here is a superb site on Mont Sainte Odile and pagan wall.
Suite section.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Breast Feeding Of Husband Allowed In Islam?

A new album of enya, earlier this month of November is Enya mezzo soprano offers us a new album: "and cam of winter. "enya composes and performs her song, she makes her debut way then it is aujourdh'ui Irish artist who sells the most records. His music with sweet melodies and charming voice make these Albums are moments of pure relaxation and enchanting musical journey. Enya is one of those artists who can give the music its magic.
Enya sings in English but also in Gaelic, English, and also in the language of Middle Earth by JRR Tolkien invented.
Enya is an artist for me to really share his music is a very good support for meditation, deep raisonnnances melodies bring the calm mind can then travel on these vibrations transcendent, her voice is just as enchanting as her music and she wears off, she is carrying. These Irish roots where the roots are Celtic still presents add to the magic of its securities.
Her new album to the theme of winter:
I let you listen:
duration: 3 min.
The video on youtube
I still have not found other pieces of this album on the net. But I put a less recently just for the sake of the ears and eyes too.
Enya's first album was created from the soundtracks of a documenatire the BBC: the celts, which again proves the ability of the singer to create a mood.
listen to samples on the album deze
Enya has also signed a piece of the soundtracks of Lord of the Rings, May it be, this magnificent trilogy end of the universe of JRR Tolkien. These lyrics are superb and reflect the universe of enya: May
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Although the great ancient civilizations seem familiar, archeology shows us that many facts have been discarded for that current theories can stand.
theories on the evolution of human Civilistaion from various traditions and remote as the Flood, Atlantis, the giant breeds are often put aside very quickly.
But what he really?
Age of the Sphinx in particular is greatly challenged. The stone work in South America is also confusing in the current knowledge spread by the scientific community. The discovery of maps at the time of their creation proved far more land than cartologues one knew at the time. Knowledge of some civilization on astronomy too many questions.
Everything beam made usually obscured by most historians and archaeologists are a frame that does not fit the conventional history of civilization.
The Flood narrated by the many traditions he had a fodement, facts they can support what our traditions say?
This is a documentary that I find Very well done based on concrete facts which is definitely worth watching.
duration 53min
If the video does not or want to see another fentêtre.
Feel free to leave comments.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
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I discovered blue eagle, messenger of the shaman and Indian nations, some time ago through a very interesting documentary , deep and relevant.
Blue Eagle was as a teacher of humanity, having studied for over 25 years and was initiated in Native Americans.
native of canada, blue eagle taught there for many years already. Beyond culture amérinidenne he was keenly interested to many different traditions and spirituality of human culture. He passed over the earth and delivered a speech as the messenger of a Native American group. The intention of his message was to support creation of a global network of brotherhood for a new world, a community that is called "rainbow community", by disseminating knowledge from Native American tradition. The course
blue eagle as a teacher and spiritual therapist "holistic" is already full. A challenging
fact is that it has received a title in a review, this review is to produce light with his body.
He also published three books: - Crystal and health
- The spiritual heritage of Native Americans,
- Fragrance and music to heal. That
to present a little blue eagle
As anyone who has something meaningful to say and whose speech is different from what is usually advocated by the "truths" in place; Blue Eagle suffered various attacks of the controversy , about his American Indian ancestry in particular, and of course the fact that it can produce light with his body.
I read somewhere that a Canadian organization had offered one million dollars if he could prove that done. Of course blue eagle has never tried to prove anything to his detractors, those who have studied a little spirituality readily understand why.
The controversy is rife, we find a warning on the site prévensecte eagle on blue and its association to recreate an ecovillage peace.
Anyway, the bottom of the blue eagle message interested me who I think is very profound and relevant. It is a well known technique to discredit the messenger of a message that is disturbing.
On Eagle's blog blue a few months ago, I heard he took early retirement and had decided not to transmit any message or any of his acquaintances.
Today I just found his blog, he decided to reopen. He published an article: Native American identity
He also created an association to sell its products: its music, books and CDs.
He also suggested on this blog, the video interviews I so appreciated and have been a real success. Filmed with a short preface, which is also interesting.
Blue Eagle spiritual teacher or guru sectarian I'll let you form your opinion!
Anyway I will follow the course of the next publications newly opened this blog.
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Friday, November 28, 2008
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It is often very difficult to separate the history of archeology. A point to note is that these two disciplines, although independent, can not live without each other and are complementary.
Often stereotypes persist about what archeology: Discovering the dead, the treasures that can happen but those are rare occasions. The sites are not numerous and are generally financed either by private organizations, by universities or by the general council of the region, for a defined period (usually the excavations rarely exceed two months). But no one can undertake a project without the advice and consent of the prefecture. I spare you the details but the legislation is very strict about that. So when searching? Generally, two cases before us:
sites already known, often by historians: we know that such and such town is here or nearly so. We search a few months until one year Money market funds are exhausted, then carefully reburied the whole to return the following year to continue the work. The second case is that of chance: it is not uncommon for private home is located either in the public domain remains. In this case, to the police to intervene (if there is a monetary value in the discovery, 50% goes to the state, the rest to the person who found it). Then from there put in place the excavations.
The money problem is not negligible: the teams, which must feed, house, sometimes pay can vary between 5 to 30 groups of ten people each. In addition, there followed objects after excavation: in fact, what we do, who study them .... etc. Generally, museums are so overwhelmed they refuse artifacts purchasing Objects found during excavations, the example of Egypt is obvious: the only authorized excavations are those financed by foreign countries, the country did not have enough money to take to support the unprecedented amount of artifacts present, often prefers to leave the state or even bury destroy what is discovered.
much for the somewhat "administrative" and breaks up.
But how does one search? There are several methods, but some basic principles are respected: the most important being the tools, that is to say at least a shovel, trowel, the crowbar, the magnifying glass and finally the brush. Obtains the rest with time and experience.
arriving at a project, known or unknown, we first establish a perimeter: 4 bars that are planted around it with a ribbon, used to delineate the area to be searched. Within this zone, other parcels are designated for each team. The first step is
laplus tedious: it is to remove the thick layer of soil covering the site (plus the site is old, it is more profound - although there are exceptions). But all this land is not discarded: put in wheelbarrows, it makes it a lot, which is then passed through a sieve itself passed into the water it can find any small bones, or trace that could be useful in adapting the workplace or any objects to find. Once the moist layer removed (mean when the grass roots have completely disappeared), they dig with a trowel, and sensitively: if someone finds something, a sudden excessive force could destroy everything.
When the object, or the ruins Alternatively the vaults are updated, we leave the "small items" brushes. "One team is designated purpose to analyze all the fragments of earth, wood and other substances around the discovery, to see if is a possible link with (sometimes it can be shards of pottery or even animal bones). Another team she works to identify the object: either art historians or linguists' s there are inscriptions or symboles.Parfois both work together. The tricky part is obviously out of the whole earth without damaging them. To predict possible accidents, and even looting, the site is first fully designed and photographed .... Yes! It spreads a huge sheet of plastic, transparent on everything, and reproduce graphic discovery. It is common practice especially in caves. But it also allows, when recorks late season the site can continue to work on it as it appeared at actual size.
This is very theoretical, because all the techniques are evolving to climates, environments, regions, type of materials studied. But the main plot remains the same. Last
techniques have changed dramatically. Today ultrasound spread more and more (when funding permits): one does more to look bored by history the location of sites, just minutes following a machine to send land a computer chip that sends a 2D or 3D image of the composition of the soil. Like that, teams can cover much larger areas in less time.
However, if the archaeological finds its origins in the 16th century (at the time lespremiers fossils were found), 19 centuries deserve special attention. At that time, Egypt was to honor, and it does not dig, but it exploded with dynamite the largest sand compact, then clean with a brush that was left. That tells you about the wonders that we see today all that was destroyed. But in a sense, normal, over time the technical advance, but the laws also, and I want to say unfortunately, because search is becoming increasingly difficult to access already for novices, and even for the most Experienced face drastic administration.
much for a brief, incomplete, I agree. There are still much to say myself I would have more personal experiences to share. But I also expect your own, and even your questions or reactions.
While all of you. Article
Vincent whom I thank for the division, and if this artcicle you interested and want to discuss visiting him on his very young forum History and Archaeology: The story to this.
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