A white sauce is milk and red all boiled to thicken, EET pepper. It is a database that allows many variations and many plate.
First things first:
The roux: roux is sometimes neglected today especially in the kitchen and quickly familly we prefer cornstarch or other binder dehydrated. But red is the linking of many great sauces of traditional gourmet cuisine. There are three kinds of red, designated by their white color, blond or brown. It's just that cooking changes the white being the least cooked brown most (logical). The white ala best binding capacity, be chosen according to the red sauce as desired (the color and fluidity).
A roux is flour sifted and butter in equal quantities (about a few deviations can be done, we see sometimes 6 flour butter for 5).
Method: Melt butter over low heat, when melted add flour and mix it all with a wooden spoon, crushing until the mixture breaks, the roux should eventually make grain, always leave to simmer.
few minutes for the red white.
The round must be blonde as his name suggests blond roux, it will emit a good smell of this cookie is sepasser after ten minutes but almost everything depends on the quantity and heat supply.
The brown roux should take a beautiful hazel color.
Here you have a red binder that can be used for many sauces.
The differences are really red for picky, and foodies. MapArt to eat when it's for me I make a roux cooked between five and ten minutes and that's fine.
We have our red we will make the bechamel:
For half a liter of milk, it will take 55gr of Red .
probélmatique beyond the bechamel is lumpy and then for my part I mix the cold milk with roux still warm and beat vigorously for several minutes. I then brought to a boil over low heat, continuing to beat. When the sauce is thickened, add salt, pepper, a little nutmeg and you're playing you have a bechamel sauce. You can upgrade it as you see fit depending on the dish will accompany it. Some add a bouquet garni (aromatic) to the sauce (ie thyme, bay leaves, cloves sometimes) I am not in favor that.
By cons Mornay sauce is a good one is a bechamel cheese and add egg yolks (2 for 1 pint of sauce) is delicious.
A good pasta dish topped with mornay then you just baked it so good as a vegetable tart topped with béchamel; of flaky fish lightly covered with a white sauce with lemon and shallots, and I know more.
culinary inventiveness is endless ... Let yourself go.
good food and good appetite.
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