I discovered blue eagle, messenger of the shaman and Indian nations, some time ago through a very interesting documentary , deep and relevant.
Blue Eagle was as a teacher of humanity, having studied for over 25 years and was initiated in Native Americans.
native of canada, blue eagle taught there for many years already. Beyond culture amérinidenne he was keenly interested to many different traditions and spirituality of human culture. He passed over the earth and delivered a speech as the messenger of a Native American group. The intention of his message was to support creation of a global network of brotherhood for a new world, a community that is called "rainbow community", by disseminating knowledge from Native American tradition. The course
blue eagle as a teacher and spiritual therapist "holistic" is already full. A challenging
fact is that it has received a title in a review, this review is to produce light with his body.
He also published three books: - Crystal and health
- The spiritual heritage of Native Americans,
- Fragrance and music to heal. That
to present a little blue eagle
As anyone who has something meaningful to say and whose speech is different from what is usually advocated by the "truths" in place; Blue Eagle suffered various attacks of the controversy , about his American Indian ancestry in particular, and of course the fact that it can produce light with his body.
I read somewhere that a Canadian organization had offered one million dollars if he could prove that done. Of course blue eagle has never tried to prove anything to his detractors, those who have studied a little spirituality readily understand why.
The controversy is rife, we find a warning on the site prévensecte eagle on blue and its association to recreate an ecovillage peace.
Anyway, the bottom of the blue eagle message interested me who I think is very profound and relevant. It is a well known technique to discredit the messenger of a message that is disturbing.
On Eagle's blog blue a few months ago, I heard he took early retirement and had decided not to transmit any message or any of his acquaintances.
Today I just found his blog, he decided to reopen. He published an article: Native American identity
He also created an association to sell its products: its music, books and CDs.
He also suggested on this blog, the video interviews I so appreciated and have been a real success. Filmed with a short preface, which is also interesting.
Blue Eagle spiritual teacher or guru sectarian I'll let you form your opinion!
Anyway I will follow the course of the next publications newly opened this blog.
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