Although the great ancient civilizations seem familiar, archeology shows us that many facts have been discarded for that current theories can stand.
theories on the evolution of human Civilistaion from various traditions and remote as the Flood, Atlantis, the giant breeds are often put aside very quickly.
But what he really?
Age of the Sphinx in particular is greatly challenged. The stone work in South America is also confusing in the current knowledge spread by the scientific community. The discovery of maps at the time of their creation proved far more land than cartologues one knew at the time. Knowledge of some civilization on astronomy too many questions.
Everything beam made usually obscured by most historians and archaeologists are a frame that does not fit the conventional history of civilization.
The Flood narrated by the many traditions he had a fodement, facts they can support what our traditions say?
This is a documentary that I find Very well done based on concrete facts which is definitely worth watching.
duration 53min
If the video does not or want to see another fentĂȘtre.
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