Mr Tolle is German but lives in English Canada, whom some call Eckhart is a lecturer of consciousness very interesting.
He said spiritual teacher, he based his speech on a true story: never having practiced or studied spirituality, Eckhart Tolle known to experience arousal.
At 29 when he was very depressed, and asocials the verge of suicide, from the depths of his suffering came a transcendence, an awakening:
"The past I am not a very useful and I think rarely. However, I would quickly tell you how I came to become a spiritual guide and how this book was born.
Until the age of thirteen, I lived in a state of continual anxiety interspersed with periods of suicidal depression. Now I feel about a past life or life someone else.
One night, shortly after my twenty-ninth birthday, I awoke in the wee hours with a feeling of absolute terror. I had often been out of sleep by having such a sensation, but this time was more intense than it had ever been. The silence of the night, dimmed the outlines of furniture in the dark room, the distant sound of a train, everything seemed so strange, so hostile and so utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. But what disgusted me most about all this, it was my own existence. What good is to continue to live with this burden of misery? Why continue this struggle? In me, I felt a deep desire for annihilation, no longer exist largely took precedence over the instinctual drive to survive.
"I can not live with myself." This thought kept coming to mind. Then, suddenly, I realized how much she was weird. "Am I one or two? If I fail to live with myself, that there must be two of me:" I "and" me "who the" I "I can not living. " "Maybe one of them is real I thought."
This realization struck me so odd that my mind stopped working. I was totally conscious, but there was no thought in my head. Then I felt myself drawn in by what seemed like a vortex of energy. Initially the movement was slow, then accelerated. Intense fear seized me and my body began to tremble. I heard the words "can resist anything," as if they were uttered in my chest. I felt sucked into the vacuum. I felt that this void was in me rather than outside. Suddenly, all fear vanished and I fell into that void. I have no recollection of what happened thereafter.
Then the chirping of a bird outside the window woke me. I had never heard such a sound before. Behind my eyelids closed again, this sound took the form of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, that's what it will look. I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn abounded through curtains. Without going through any thought I felt, I knew that the light is infinitely more than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came to my eyes. I got up and began to walk into the room. I recognized, and yet I knew I'd never really seen before. Everything was fresh and like new, just as if everything had just given birth. "
After this experience, he began to study spirituality and realized that his experience was already reported by other speaker or master spiritual, but also the essence of some traditions. He then shared his experience with small group of people along the way, then more and more requested, began giving lectures, writing experience and dévelloppements thus derived.
His first book, The Power of Now was a success and allowed him to become known by many. Here's an excerpt:
"Have you ever had an experience, fact, thought or felt something that does not lie in the present moment? Do you think it can happen to you one day? Is it possible something is outside the present moment? The answer is obvious is not it? Nothing ever happened in the past happened in the present. There will never happen in the future: it will happen in the present. What you see as the past is the memory of a former time now stored in the mind. When you remember the past, you revive a memory. The imagined future is a present, a projection of the mind. When the future arrives, it is in the form of the present. When you think of the future, you do so in the present. Clearly, the past and future are not realities in themselves. Like the moon does not emit its own light but can only reflect sunlight, past and future are only pale reflections of light, power and reality that is the eternal present. Their reality is borrowed from this. The mind can not comprehend the essence of what I'm saying. However, once you enter, there is a shift of consciousness, mind to Being, from time to presence. Suddenly, everything seems alive, radiates energy, animated Being. "
An excerpt that I think is powerful and an accuracy capable of exploding some packaging, quality you rerouve in some other speakers in the same vein.
He continues to write and publish:
After: Putting into practice the Power of Now in 1998.
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment in 2000.
- Harmony: listening to its essential nature in 2003.
- New Earth: the event of human cosncience in 2005.
His speech powerful and challenging questions that sense of identity to the duality and the need for ownership pushed to its climax in the humanity of the new millennium.
here is an excerpt from a talk given by Eckhart Tolle in Hamburg in 2002:
"Let's explore some of the great mysteries of human existence. Chosesauxquelles These adults do most attention, and which they no longer pose dequest. Only children do encore.Alors as we sit here waiting for the words, we realize there is a autredimension than words. What is this other dimension? could that is Lesimple space of silence. When the word emerges, you hear the words and mêmetemps, part of your attention is also focused on the silent spaces, or plan surl'arrière silent. It's very simple. It is only to note that apart Desmots, there is an inner stillness ...."
Link retranscritption Complete conference.
According to the principle that the vibrations of even reasonable s'attiren, eckhart tolle, resembles other contemporary spiritual messengers as evidenced by this conversation between him and Andrew Cohen:
"AC: Why do you feel the need to be alone, and that's going to happen when you take the time to be alone?
AND: When I'm with people, I am a spiritual teacher. It's my job but it's not my identity. Whenever I'm alone, my greatest joy is to be a nobody, to abandon the temporary function of teacher. If I meet a group of people, well, once they leave me, I cease to be a spiritual teacher. There is more then a sense of external identity. I go deeper into just stillness. Immobility is the place I prefer. Not that she ceases to be present when I speak or sign, to the extent that the words emerge from her, but when people leave me, it remains only that, the immobility. And I love it so much.
AC: Would you prefer to tell you that? I had almost completely given up the action, except to keep me alive and even that was miraculous. The future I had become totally indifferent ... I feel like I have found a balance between loneliness and relationship with others, between being and acting,
I know that now I must be mindful that a balance is not broken and not lose myself in action. I doubt that happens, but it requires a certain degree of vigilance.
In your book, The Power of Now you state that "the ultimate goal of world is not in the world but in transcendence of it." Can you explain what you want say?
ET: Transcending the world does not withdraw from the world, stop acting or being in relationship with others. Transcending the world is to act and interact without any self-seeking. In other words, it is to act without seeking to improve the image one has of himself through his actions and interactions with others.
When this research continues, then we may be in the world while not of this world, we stopped looking for something outside which identify themselves.
AC: Do you mean that one has ceased to have a relationship self-centered and materialistic world?
ET: Yes, we constantly seek to develop a sense of self, a deeper sense of self, more accomplished.
It is the same for the person who seeks enlightenment because it seeks to achieve a state of perfection, a state of wholeness, fullness to a point in the future.
What do you mean exactly when you say that the purpose of the world lies in the transcendence of it?
and this is the beginning of awakening when you start to sense that the wrong direction and we may never reach what we strive to achieve
one begins to understand that one may not find the answers we are looking outside,
I realized that stillness deep and vibrant life is what I am. Years later, I called that stillness "pure consciousness", whereas everything that is not conditioned consciousness.
Ultimately, the purpose of the world is for us to lose, to suffer there, create the suffering that seems to be necessary for arousal to occur. And then, when the awakening occurs, is carried along with the pain no longer necessary.
I tell those who come to me: "You're ready to hear what I say because you are listening. There are still millions of people out there who do not listen. They still need time but I am not talking to them. You hear that you no longer need time, you no longer need pain. You do your research and in time you're looking even more suffering. "Just hearing suddenly that" you no longer need it "may be, for some, the moment of transformation.
AC: Often, the term "awakening" is interpreted as the end of the division within the self and the simultaneous discovery of a perspective or way of seeing that is full, complete, or free of duality. Some who have experienced this perspective, say the ultimate realization is that there is no difference between the world and God or the Absolute, between Samsara and Nirvana, between the manifested and unmanifested. But others say that in fact the ultimate realization is that there is no world at all, it is an illusion, empty of meaning, meaning and reality. In your experience, the world is real? Is it unreal? Or both?
so I do not see any separation. There is no separation between being and the manifested world, between the manifest and the unmanifested. But the unmanifested is so much bigger, deeper and bigger than what happens in the manifested.
can almost say that everything that happens in the manifested like a shadow play. It is like steam or fog, where new forms emerge and disappear constantly. For one who is deeply rooted in the unmanifested, the manifested could very easily be described as unreal. I do not qualify unreal because it does not strike me as being separate from anything.
's right, and even each form subject to birth and death, the immortal is present. The essence of any form is what is immortal. Even the essence of a blade of grass is immortal. It is for this reason that the world of forms is sacred
Only when there is complete submission to now, what is that liberation is possible.
Your own life is the land where this can occur.
AC: That's true, many people say they want to meditate or follow spiritual practices, but their spiritual aspirations are not based on a willingness to forgo anything substantial.
ET: No, it can even be the opposite. A spiritual practice is sometimes a way of finding something new to see themselves reflected.
AC: What you're saying is that a world has been abandoned in favor of another, an identification has been replaced by another. We give up a role and it borrows another but nothing has really dropped.
ET: That's correct. Therefore, be it where you are, here and now. It is not necessary to seek another place, another situation to do so. Do it here and now.
AC: You talk about pure action, not tainted by ego? ET: Yes, most first. What comes first is the realization and liberation. Then let the action flow from this - it is pure, not tainted, no karma will be attached to it. Otherwise, whatever the scale of our ideals, we will strengthen the ego hopelessly through our good deeds. Unfortunately, we can not live the commandments unless without ego - this is the case of very little - as was discovered all those who tried to put into practice the teachings of Christ. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is one of the main teachings of Jesus, and you can not perform this command, regardless of our good will, if we do not know who you are deep within oneself. Love thy neighbor as thyself means that your neighbor is yourself, and this recognition of unity is love. "
I cut the article is quite long, here is the link to the full interview .
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