Wednesday, December 3, 2008

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We find in many traditions and mythologies of the trace of giants, often fathers of the gods, they are often overwhelmed by them.

Some examples of the trace of the giants in mythology

giants and titans, born from Gaya and Uranus, in Greek mythology

Children by Gaia (Earth), fertilized by the blood shed by the genitals of Uranus, sliced by Cronos.
Giants (Gigantès), sometimes called Gegeneik (born from the Earth), born along the Erinyes and Meliades (nymphs of ash trees). They have a human appearance, with the exception of their legs extended by a serpent's tail.

The Norse mythology is no exception:

giants in perpetual war with the gods or important.
Many know the giant Ymir.

Ymir, the founder of the race of frost giants and an important figure in Norse cosmology, formed ice of Niflheim, where it touched the heat and melted Muspellheim.
Giants out of Ymir's body while he slept, emerged from his armpits a man and a woman, while his legs was born a son.

Ymir lived milk cow who had four Audumla worse.
It licked the ice and salt that Ymir was covered, thus forming Buri, the father of Bor, the father himself of Odin, Vili and Ve.

In the creation myth, Odin, enraged by the brutality of Ymir and killed him and threw him into the Ginnungagap ("the chasm"). The deluge caused by
his blood was so great that it killed all the giants, apart from the grand-son of Ymir (Bergelmir son of Thrudgelmir) and his wife.
Odin and his brother used the body of Ymir to create the Earth Ginnungagap meets his flesh, his hair became trees, his eyebrows became Midgard, and his bones were turned into mountains.
Similarly, teeth and fragments of her bones became rocks and his blood gave birth to rivers, lakes, ponds and sea

source: wikipedia

The Fomor of Celtic mythology:

"The first to arrive in Ireland after the flood were Fomor means" giants of the sea ".
The Fomor were only half human, they are depicted as hideous demons possessing supernatural powers, having only one leg, one hand, one eye on his forehead and three rows of teeth like knives. These invaders
"native" relentlessly resisted successive invasions. This is a feature of mythological and heroic tales that enemies are portrayed as monsters, which adds to the glory of those who fought and controlled. "

The Bible also many references to giants

" When men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born, the son of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took them wives of all that pleased them. And the LORD said, My spirit will dispute the point man for ever in his bewilderment he also is flesh: his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
were giants on the earth in those days, and also in the sequel, because the son of God came unto the daughters of men, and they had given their children:
It is these powerful men who, in ancient times, people were renowned. And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. "

(Genesis 6: 1)

not forget the famous giant goliath

In Hinduism:

"the krta yuga is a cosmic period akin to what some call the golden age:
it is said that during the krta yuga men lived 4000 years and were giants both mentally and physically.
They procreated by a simple desire. "

In seeking yet we could find other sources in the human traditions which speaks of giants, whether in South America, Africa, Egypt and among the Toltecs.
We can find in local beliefs many stories of giants. Simple

mythology after the imagination of humans in search of its origins, symbolic narratives or transmission of collective memory?

Some facts and hypotheses

A small warning: there are some photos that roam the Net giant skeletons, these photos are mostly false, just editing.

here where we can find most of the pictures: a site that offers photo editing contest whose theme was a competitive giants.

Solicitating As these giants discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2004, while sites that repeat the same talk in pictures: These pictures from the site I'm talking about above, here is an example of misinformation spread by gullible people, so I will not give you insult you cite sources that have no value for me.

It would please me to believe the Giants but I can not find any concrete evidence;
therefore in a critical and honest I am obliged to give you the facts.
This does not mean, of course, the giants did not exist, but we can put our theories on any tangible archaeological evidence.

Giant comes from the Greek gigantes, a term used to denominate the giants.
Literally it means born of Gaia (Earth).
giants through traditions, through their physical and their behavior are often associated with chaos. Their son
the gods, by comparison, represents order and are victorious forces of chaos. We could then see
a symbolic explanation of these myths, collected in the giant representation of natural forces.

The arrival of the gods in human thought would represent a victory over these forces.
Can be in agreement with changing conditions of life.
I think the settlement, which can be seen with the advent of agriculture and livestock as a victory over the elements, because from there, the man is no longer dependent on hunting or collection and the goodwill of nature, but can produce itself what it needs.

There is a more practical explanation:
Giants have actually existed, a race of giants on earth, some argue the facts, bones found at a particular location

"The German anthropologist, Larson Kohl, was discovered in 1936 on the shore of Lake Elyas in South Africa, giant human bones.
Paleontologists German anthropologists and Gustav von Weidenreich Königswalde and Frank (1873 - 1948) were found between 1937 and 1941, pharmacies in the Chinese mainland or Hong Kong, several human bones of an astonishing size.
Professor Weidenreich has done, in 1944, a presentation on the remains of giants in the presence of the American Ethnological Society.
Dr. Rex Gilroy, an Australian archaeologist, director of the Mount York Natural History Museum, opened in Mount Victoria fossil imprints of feet of giants whose authenticity can not be doubted.
In addition, three human jaws gigantic debris were found:
one in South Africa, one in Java and one in southern China.
These fragments of giant skeletons also raise many question marks. Dr. Burkhalter, of the French Society of Prehistory, wrote in 1950 in the journal of the Museum of Beirut that the existence of giants in the Acheulean period (stage of the Paleolithic, which coincided with much of the period ice) is a scientific fact.
During excavations in the Caucasus in 1964, we have found in a cave Alguetca near Mangliss, skeletons of men being 2.8 m to 3 m.
It seems clear that researchers have found relevant and recognized important elements that would seek to confirm the existence of giants on the Earth at a very early period.
mythological texts frequently refer, but it is clear that the human gigantism is hardly accepted in scientific circles.
Scheme and the Darwinian anthropologists are not the slightest room for giants of humanity.
Once again, we must turn to ancient texts. "

Here is an example of a proven fraud:
the 19th century, someone introduced in the state of New York, a giant fossilized foot.
despite the expertise of scientists declaring the object as a crude forgery, many people paid with 50 percent see it: Here's what

Kenneth Feder said in his book "Myths, Fraud in Archaeology" published in 2001:

"Experts and scientists, after reviewing the Giant, had immediately understood it was a statue, a clumsy forgery, history absurd, after all, a mere silliness. These scientific findings, objective, rational and logical, however, remained ineffective. In the hearts and minds of people supposed to perfectly normal, it had touched a nerve, and nothing would deter them from believing in the veracity of the Giant. Such stubbornness will come of nothing else but the desire of the crowd (...) to believe in him. "

giants in folklore :

An interresting fact is that we find in the local European folklore but also all over the world of giants, whose feasts are local parades.
We can also meet Jack Frost, giant straw and wood are burned just before the start of spring mean that winter is dead, that good weather and a new birth may finally take place.
These folk rituals and festive events seem to occur for the first, around the thirteenth century during the processions, fairs or local festivals. Often these giants of fabrics and wood are mentioned persons, Sire de Bievre Malassis in or Jean and Jeannette to Hellezelle Belgium.
The origin of the giants in the procession is quite controversial, it appears that the corporation did their "mascot" which allowed them well and see the distinguish in the crowd.
Some also see these giants, guardians of some cities, représentaion great men who have marked the city and its dévelloppement.
For the snowman he is without a doubt it is a personification of a force of nature ...

The myth of giants
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here a site with a comprehensive article on the giant with a multitude of references étymlogiques

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