Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pain At Waist Left Side

The film, "The Best of World", Aldous Huxley.

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), published his "Brave New World" in 1931. This novel will be an international success and he becomes a literary reference now unavoidable to understand the changing world we live in, especially since the attacks of 11/09, for the simple reason that the futuristic fictional author is now fully confirmed by events that lie big step on the radical changes that civilization today borrow so accelerated our eyes bewildered. We arrived today at a transition point between the so-called postmodern era, characterized by the super global capitalism and the new era qui se dessine peu à peu à l’horizon, dont nous ne connaissons pas encore bien le nom, permettant le mieux de la caractériser –« Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial» ou « Le meilleur des mondes » ( ?)-, mais dont nous savons qu’elle fera intervenir des changements, politiques, économiques, sociétaux et scientifiques, majeurs, inédits pour l’humanité, si importants qu’ils modifieront à jamais la structure de ce monde et ce qu’est la nature de l’homme quant à la place, voulue par Dieu, qu’il occupe dans la création. Cette transition est amorcée, désormais rien ne peut s’y opposer. Elle sera brutale, fulgurante et définitive. Except if the will of God will come to oppose it, in less than a century, the transition to the new era will take place after we saw the collapse of the global economy, endless wars in the four corner the planet, and ultimately humanity, bloodless, out of strength, so exhausted, it is ready to accept any peace solution, albeit a world dictatorship and making it universal to sacrifice total his freedom, just in exchange for the survival and stability. For those who have faith, it remains a great hope for salvation will happen when the moment T de la Révélation avec le Tremblement de Terre de Jérusalem. La question se limite ici uniquement à décrire, l’avenir proche de la civilisation mondiale, une fois la transition opérée, la paix et la stabilité revenues, tel qu’il apparaît dans le roman, « Le meilleur des monde », d’Aldous Huxley. Ce roman de fiction, hélas très proche de la réalité, nous permettra de nous interroger sur le bouleversement que le « progrès scientifique », en matière procréation artificielle, fait encourir à notre société. Sur les questions bioéthiques et les enjeux fondamentaux auxquelles nous sommes confrontés, nous en tant que citoyens, the response by the political pressure before the lobbies of scientific research. We will examine the existing condition that the media operate on our minds and shape, even worse, it will be when humanity has abandoned, for the happiness of his survival, freedom of conscience, for the benefit of conditioning and full scientific of human beings, for the maintenance of social stability. That we question our courage and our freedom to act now while we still have some inner desire to free ourselves from the disposal and control of those who lead us back media, banks, and consumer society. We will review the plan followed by the planners of the NWO and narrative elements to describe the implementation of "Brave New World" in the novel, whether this book is actually a conspiracy of the elites world, wanting to subjugate the world, continuing the program of a strictly political agenda specific to enslave humanity in a global totalitarian dictatorship which he definitely will be impossible to overcome?

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sent MayaLila . - The Info Live Video.

To put the story we are 500 of the new era. Past five centuries after the demise of the Old World, ours, one we know today. It is a distant memory almost dream. The inhabitants of "Brave New World" does not even know we existed. It is kept secret by the elite that directs them. The one who leads us today and maybe, why not, who has always led humanity since time immemorial. In those early days of our distant future, nobody thinks that we thought, writing that we loved or hated. We were the subject of intense emotions from the heart, our mind was free to write, teach or inform. Not in this brave new world "we do not know the Bible or Christ, no one can read Shakespeare. Because everything was intentionally buried, swallowed into oblivion. Clean sweep was made of the past forever.

The historic event which marks the disappearance of War is past 9 years. At the beginning of the century, the liberal world economy, characterized by consumerism market, allowed himself gradually drawn by the elites, in a financial crisis and global economic precipitating the fall of the United Nations, and marking the same sudden stop of civilization. Throughout the chaotic forces were unleashed, all around the world people were killing each other. Bombs to anthrax, sometimes used, made no more noise than paper bags bursting, but allowed the disease to exterminate whole populations of people.

This conflict lasted until the worldwide conspiracy to succeed all his projects. Humanity, battered, exhausted herself exhausted and could not make the effort to deny the project that was proposed. It was not until the second half of the twenty-first century for the creation of a World Government is completed. The entire world was with a World State, which alone can bring peace and stability. The ancient civilizations were destroyed leaving nothing to show what their religion, culture or traditions. The old man he had nothing to subsist make way for a new man with no memory of the past or the future of consciousness, the symbol of a humanity reborn in the image of the new era of peace and Stability of the "brave new world.

There was Ethics no longer inherited from the ancient religion, more laws to impede the immensity of the applications of scientific progress in the field of biotechnology, which until then had not been implemented, to scientifically organize society. The new world had become one of the premier scientific organization of social relations based on eugenics with the creation of genetically altered humans. The cause of social instability in the past was related to emotional and passionate nature of being human to the ideals, values, things, or loved, allowed himself to be traversed by violent emotions. Social instability was associated with the human tragedy that the human being expressed in major works of art. To ensure social stability it was necessary to remove the man from everything that could make him a sentient being capable of emotions. It was primarily the natural beings away from relatives: father, mother, child, spouse or lover. The family would no longer be the social nucleus, the natural community first, on which the whole society was, until the summit state, like a gigantic natural community. Artificial procreation allowed science to replace the family to give birth to humans outside the womb. According to the method of fertilization Bukanovstky a fertilized egg could give rise to 96 where a human egg usually could not give birth to only 1 single. Engineer fecundator replaces the role of the father and mother, the incubator of the womb. God or fate is replaced by the engineer of predestination. It is he who knows the exact quantity of Scientific humans with genetic characteristics which the company needs to maintain social balance perfect. Experiments were conducted during the first centuries of the new era to accumulate enough knowledge in this scientific field. On the island of Cyprus, in the second century of the new era, engineers stability had decided to produce an unusual number of individuals with superior genetic characteristics. After some time it had led on this island in the civil war. The inhabitants of Cyprus were ready to unconditionally accept any solution for the World State put an end to this violence on the island. The figures were accurate social stability of the World State would be guaranteed by maintaining the total population to a defined number of inhabitants in advance and left in different social classes, whose volume must respect about him also Basic rules of stability. There were several classes based on all the genetic affiliation of the individuals who composed it. The class of Alpha + + + Alpha + + + Alpha, Alpha, Beta ...., Omega. The last class was that of Epsilon. Each individual was perfectly suited to the type of position he had to fill in the social hierarchy. For Alpha were the positions of responsibility for the Epsilon physically arduous, thankless and stultifying. But between social classes there was no antagonism. Each held the position that it was predestined, and all were essential to the overall social cohesion. This company was a pyramid. The proportion of genetically superior class was less that of genetic categories below. But it is the latter who were in positions of responsibility.

The World State organized itself the education of human beings produced according to norms and standards of quantity and quality. Instead of education it was conditioning individuals. The conditioning program was from birth to hate people and nature books. During sessions hypnopaedia collective babies were placed in large ergonomic rooms for programming of consciousness and subconsciousness. 200 to 300 times when baby touches a book the volume of the room amount to a level so high that the child can not touch this object to reoffend. Similarly, when presented with a flower from 200 to 300 times it receives an electric shock from the ground to dissuade. Reached adulthood the individual undergoing these sessions hypnopaedia, totally inhumane, is perfectly adapted for life in society.

Fordism is the new religion. The symbol is T. His Lordship Supreme, during the time of narration is Mustapha Meunier. He is a Director of World Continent of Europe Occidental, whose headquarters is located in London, England. Above him there are other administrators. Their mission is to ensure the collective happiness of mankind. The price of this happiness is the sacrifice of full freedom. There is more conflict, no war, peace and social stability are assured for eternity. The world is officially in the extreme, every human being is depersonalized. The Unit Ultimate dear to Plato and Socrates in "The Republic" is performed to ensure civil peace. The Ultimate Unit is a guarantor of social cohesion. However the natural diversity of individual consciences, dear to Aristotle, that the social balance must observe that society does not become totalitarian, has disappeared. The unit of society completely overwrites the personal consciousness of individuals, all standardized by genetic cloning. However, there are wildlife reserves scattered islands of the world: in New Mexico and Iceland. These men live according to the rites of the old world of ours, who has disappeared. They are born of parents, enjoy no comforts, but they are free.

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sent MayaLila . - The Info Live Video.

The "civilized" of the new world can not have a single sexual partner. This is prohibited by the collective morality. They must change partners every day to never experience loving feelings. Sport and sexuality are activities that can raise emotions in daily life. The meaning of life is limited to the immediate pleasures. To mitigate the problems associated with the existential fragility of the psyche that is still somewhat naturally in the human being, there is a chemical substance, the "soma", allowing to forget while he sank into a feeling of well being. The use of "soma" is permanent. Without the drug the individual suffers from depression blows immediate and chaotic in his heart.

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sent MayaLila . - The News International video.

element from disturbing the balance of this artificial society is the advent of a savage, named John, taken in the middle of civilization by Bernard Marx Lenina, two individuals of the upper classes, parties just for week-end, a reserve to break the boredom of everyday life. Bernard and Lenina is a first shock when they discover the lives of primitive men in their natural state. By their packaging they are unable to experience other feelings of disgust at a mother holding a child in her arms or giving birth to them. Bernard discovers a secret safe in a remnant of the ancient world: the book "Othello" and Scheakspear. He is incapable of understanding the inner world of men of our time the significance of the passions. Since these are two worlds are total opposites who meet the exchanges are hard with John one of the men of the reserve. Bernard and Lenina decide to show their world with his "Wonderland" and "distractions." John discovers the cinema fragrant and music concerts synthetic color. Artistic creation is no longer intended to feelings but to physical sensations to create the impression of pleasant or unpleasant. John prafaitement is inadequate as it revolts. Before a crowd of Omega they shouted that he came to bring them freedom and that these doses of "sum" is a poison for the soul and body. He was tried and Mustapha Meunier explains that he understands his reaction. Because Mustapha Meunier as Förderer Supreme impunity for compromise legislation. He knows the man through the artistic and scientific works of the ancient world. Itself had rebelled against the social order of "best world" because he was fascinated by scientific research, which was freed from state censorship. But he said: I chose to sacrifice the happiness of truth and freedom. It deals with the maintenance of the collective happiness of society does not know for 500 more disorder or war. This will certainly remain the moral of the story. For the comfort and social stability must be the sacrifice for freedom and truth. Stability total and everlasting peace of society requires an inhuman world prohibiting freedom and truth. The man to live near to God must endure adversity that gives him the living conditions of nature. The more hiding behind an artificial world, the more it cuts itself off from the divine nature. John decides to ask forgiveness from God, to purify themselves by living in a state of nature, like the men in the early ages. By this means he onto its conscience and soul.

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sent MayaLila . - Watch the latest videos of news.


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