Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meagan Good's Brown Hair

Our Silences ... by Wahiba Khiari

Our silences, Wahiba Khiari
The forgiveness impossible. Writing to overcome the silence. A novel cons oblivion

"It's against the law is silent on the crimes of rape, a horrible tragedy that thousands of Algerian women have lived in their flesh During these years of embers, those of 1990, also against the trivialization of the corpus delicti, the element that embodies the barbarism and savagery of the rape and murder and that the government is trying now, again, to erase through its policy of "national reconciliation" for the GIA Islamist criminals that Wahiba Khiari, young English teacher Constantine, born in 1969, decided to write this book to denounce the silence, the law of Omerta, on a subject that wants to present a taboo and also to shed any light on this horrible tragedy. "Adel Latrech

Again, it's deafening silence of those in question, these silences that scream ... The author of this book, Ms. Wahiba Khiari, said "that's it is remembered, for we do not forget (or pretend to forget). "She also says he struggled to write, or rather tell, what these women have been raped suffer, she listened, the spokesman, so what if she is one of those victims. What she says, she denounces therefore only represents a tiny fraction of what the less fortunate that she had to endure. I have not yet read this book, but I'll address this week, I too am willing to keep in mind these silences ..

Suggested reading by Lilia the Tunisian alternative forum.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Respiration Mammal Reptile 10 C


Cathedrals witnessed the magnificent history of the church, a monument to the glory of God above all the glory in May svaoir make the builder, a masterpiece of architecture, stone book opens on the profound symbolism of Christianity. I think we DONT HAVE finished speaking these imposing religious buildings.

here is a video series on the construction of cathedrals.

we discuss on the forum's history and spirituality circle:

the time of the cathedrals.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How To Make A Homemade Jockstrap

Being a Woman ...

The Veil Is a first step towards a country like Iran or Saudi Arabia? The veil is there to lose any Tunisian women's gains achieved since independence?

Moreover, "It's still amazing! Asks why do we not men to wear the veil or conceal their faces against the women if they so afraid to seduce? The male will Would it lower than that of women? "
Qasim Amin Egyptian who lived between 1863 and 1908.

collective Queries on the veil and its impact on the empowerment of Tunisian Women, illustrated by Holy Trousers on the Tunisian alternative forum.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Is Acupuncture Good For Torn Knee?

Monasticism in Islam Samia Farah

Following a reflection of Phidias on the absence of monasticism in Islam, he wonders if Islam could not practice in "Monk Mode"

Monasticism is a retreat often ritualized, sometimes ascetic, but the clergy did not have the same impact among believers who are in the world. And where precisely the relationship to the absolute, or God, is much more direct.

Sof offers this explanation :

In history there have been similar to the buildings of monasteries with Sufis who led their lives. (Men only)

This was the case in "ribats" found in the Maghreb (the best preserved in Tunisia are those of Monastir and Sousse). These ribats have multiplied in the time of Mourabitines (Almoravids). In fact many "saints" of Tunisia for example are from Morocco, countries Mourabitines.
The word has also given in French marabout. Ribat and gave its name to the present capital of Morocco, Rabat. There are also
zaouias, buildings dedicated to various holy men, and where Mystics withdrew.
There are still best known in Tunisia Zaouiet Sidi Bou Said, Sidi Mehrez, Sidi Brahim Riahi, etc. ..

Elsewhere there was the fortress of Alamut, Hassan refuge hachachines Assabbah, Shia Ismailis who were not always peaceful merely mysticism. It is in modern Turkey I think.

To read the entire subject visit: www.alternautes.com

Marketing Ideas For Apartment Communities

It is with pleasure that I recently discovered this music Tunisian living in France (she currently resides in London)

Samia Farah (
MySpace ) , has an exceptional voice that reminds us from the first listen that Nicolette (the singer who has collaborated with Massive Attack). A voice undulating and very flirtatious.
The music is gentle, yet very rhythmic. What's good downtempo (especially dub)!
Very recommended for those who want to get in a good mood or sleep on a beautiful music!

1999 - Samia Farah

2008 - The Many Moods of ...

To try his two albums, go to the forum alternative

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What Does R Mean On Pokemon Card

The Sangria


recipe sangria

past few weeks I got used to the sangria, the recipe seems wild wheat be derived from elsewhere
- A bottle of red wine of medium quality (no need to take a bottle because his expensive taste will be covered by the other ingredients)
- 8 cl, ie a glass of port, Otherwise I use vodka or rum because it is not found in Tunisia
- 8 cl orange liqueur (Cointreau for example)
- an orange or a lemon, or both
- seasonal fruits: peaches and / or strawberries ... etc.. choose juicy fruits
- powdered sugar, possibly cinnamon and / or ginger

Cut all fruit in the wine, add the liqueur, sugar and spices, stir until the sugar melts and let cool at night (or day). It is very important to prepare the sangria 24 hr in advance so that the wine has time to absorb the flavors of fruit. Serve chilled with or without ice. If it was not time, we can fall back on "Tinto de verano" English. Mix a bottle of red wine at an equivalent amount of lemon soda (fanta lemon, viva ...), serve with ice cubes and a slice of lemon. Fast, fresh and light ... Perfect for this season!

festive and refreshing recipe given by the expert Ghoul the Tunisian alternative forum.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bulma Y Goku Doujinshi

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Toronto Spikes Running

I am. Circle

(March 1897-8 September 1981) was a teacher of the twentieth century the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta or non-duality. He led a life of petty trader in Mumbai (Bombay), where he sold "bidies" (small Indian cigarettes). The direct style of teaching Westerners interested him as much as oriental, in particular through the book that published by his disciples: "I am That," which was translated into many languages (French: "I am"). His spiritual lineage is called Navnath Sampradaya, whose origin dates back to the Rishi Dattatreya.

We talk on the forum

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Does Betsy Johnson Make Any Diaper Bags?

history and spirituality

I am pleased to announce the opening of the forum's history and spirituality circle.

"The evolution of man through time, our origne to today. Come share your knowledge, your offer ways of understanding the human past and its consequences today. Your understanding of the life and the world around us through the history of philosophy and spirituality. For studying the history of man and his spirituality, to understand where it came from, and above all ... the possibilities of evolution. In this crossroads between past and future is here and now it's happening!

we are pleased to welcome you on the forums of history and spirituality circle to share all our knowledge and points of view. "

Forums circle history and spirituality