"Let me make these valleys, these palaces, these cottages
Vains objects for me the charm is flown
rivers, cliffs, forests, deserts so dear One
be missing you, and everything is depopulated
You're in the first rays that pass through the window
In the folds of my pillow too have heard
In the memories of my night
who do not get in my shower looking at me, bewildered
In my coffee mug that impatience
bouillu Coffee, coffee damn, morale in the sock juice.
You're between the lines of my text out of context
Among the keys to experiencing squeaking
Between the pages of my book in frantically running round
Between each cigarette burned to flirt
Between each companion, anonymous As far
happen to my Achilles heel.
You're on the tip of my shoes when I hugged
feverishly on the back of my jacket that I put on while you slip away
On the crosswalk waiting for my solo crossing
On the bar counter which is fed
On the rim of my glass that I broke the foot
About to annoy me copiously.
You are under the pile of magazines that I painstakingly filled
Under the deck that runs the sad song that blocks
Under my collection of flyers that fly in the first stroke
On the boards they all burn with Under all the fervor
skirts girls who simper in vain before me
'I am drunk, drunk, steep, crazy. You are omnipresent
Omniscient Omnipotent
You're everywhere You know all
You know all you can do all
You're all
You feel everything you touch any
You eat all you hear all
You see everything ....
Except me.
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