April 15, 1980
Born in Paris in 1905, Jean-Paul Sartre lost his sire in 1906. Brought together by a Catholic mother and Protestant grandfather, the young man finds himself at the outset of the conflict at the center of assholes, and will retain a lifelong taste for protest, opposition and debate style of ideas ... deal with theories that are disturbing, this writer never combative can bring himself to wash their hands, they were dirty.
Student at Lycée de la Rochelle, Jean-Paul Sartre joined ENA in 1924, meets Simone de Beauvoir in 1925, comes into Simone de Beauvoir in 1926 and spent the aggregation in philosophy in 1929 to try to understand the reasons which have pushed into this corner. After his military service, he became professor of philosophy at Le Havre, from Berlin to study Heidegger while reading a lot of American novelists and cheap thrillers, then returned to Le Havre in 1934 to write "The Transcendence of the Ego" and " Outline of a theory of emotions, "closer to German existentialism as CSI: Miami.
Jean-Paul Sartre then tested mescaline, probably to forget Simone and in 1936 wrote the brilliant Melancholia, refused by Gallimard before being released in 1938 under another name, "Nausea," like what, mescaline does not to forget that beam inadvertently novelist frigid also a sexy doorway. Sartre also wrote "The Wall" a year later, then a whole bunch of parts as crucial as "The Flies" or "Huis Clos", without forgetting his novels "The Edge of Reason" and "Stay."
is 1945, Jean-Paul Sartre left teaching, founded the magazine "Modern Times" and joined the Communist Party before creating the Revolutionary Democratic Movement, with which he takes a big gadin. This will not prevent Jean-Paul Sartre to be all the fighting and all wars, rising against the Indochina and cons that of Algeria, yell at each other to form with Albert Camus in 1952, publishing in 1960 his Critique of Dialectical Reason "after a trip to Cuba rich in counts of the cigar (that the exchange of Beauvoir) and refusing in 1964 Nobel Prize for Literature which he did not have much to fuck, preferring to publish "The words" the same year.
The 70 link, Jean-Paul Sartre suffered one after two attacks that leave him alive but almost blind, and must stop all work in progress. Suffering from uremia, he died April 15, 1980 in Paris of a pulmonary edema ... 50,000 people take to the streets to attend the funeral and pay their last tribute to one of the most famous French writers of all time, including this young man who will miss school for this, but will produce this beautifully written apology: "Forgive my absence but I was at the demonstration against the death of Sartre."
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