Sunday, September 13, 2009
Braces For A 17 Year Old
Here's a musical slideshow that we did on the water theme, with music by Camille Saint Saens.
nouevau come vist our forum circle history and spirituality
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Substitute For Vegatable Juice
Lindus is a 3200 km long river, which originates in Tibet and s' flow along the Kashmir and Pakistan, it is the river that gave its name to India, he was known by the name of sinh or Siddhu during antiquity. This is one of seven sacred rivers of India with the Ganges, Godavari, the svarasvati, Yamuna, Narmada and Kaveri.
What interests us today is a civilization that took its name and which is built around the river and mainly its largest city Mohenjo daho built around the life of river. This civilization extends in time from 5000 BC to 1900 avcj. She probably had a great influence on the Hindu civilization, although this influence is unclear. Archaeologists have found more than 1,000 sites belonging to this civilization, when it comes to ancient civilizations we think right away to the great pyramids egypt with these arrogant, but the Indus civilization has nothing to envy its neighbor. Without being extravagant this civilization Denotte fine culture and know-how and knowledge very interesting.
I leave you with this fine documentary that will tell you more.
come chat on the forums history and spirituality circles
Saturday, July 25, 2009
How To Create A Airpcap Usb Adapter

I do not think the quest for extraterestres is different from that of seeking God. After all it is an effort intellectuals but in areas that may be different (philosophy, sawing, reli ...). However
looking for a physical body, a material aspect is very different from that of a quest for unchanging immaterial what may be at least as religious Muslims neither palpable nor described, much less hominized (7ram and Kufr) in their subconscious! Therefore in this research by the monotheistic God is not at all comparable to that of extraterestres research should and can be a scientist.
Among Muslim the two other monotheistic religions (correct me if I'm wrong) the encounter with God is already sealed. In fact, they are in communion with him and Premana anyway they meet in the beyond the day of Judgement. The question is now closed and we can not talk about seeking God but reconciliation with him on the ground by the operation of the Holy Spirit and met some in the beyond. Among other
hence non-religious people who for most of them retiscents adopt atheism as intellectuals route and mode of reasoning (atheism is not a religion as it should be regarded as a philosophy that emphasizes Logos, therefore, doubt, questioning ... as opposed to unreason the dogma that dictates assumptions and frozen to give a compelling reason not to be afraid of nothingness and the unknown to me).
So from that point of view atheist questioning the existence of God is necessarily needed or even deadly. For it is in progress and the individual account and that is what makes a man stronger.
Is not the curiosity that makes it well placed to him even master of its future? For atheists there is no God because in the end we will eventually prove something physical and tangible in our scientific quest and Intellectual constant material in the field (which is contrary to God immaterial of believers).
Note here that we should not erect the atheist as a denier of God but who in fact moving towards nothingness, step by step, trying to unravel the unknown without qualififer regent of God of the universe for the good of humanity and its progress.
Thus, the atheist does not care much nothingness he Cares what can be done to advance the discovery not of God but which allows us to have and preserve what makes we the class of the most advanced living reign on earth, or the intellect (as opposed to those who would accept and not think and be, today the equivalent of our ancestors, or hominids our relatives the apes) ! In this context the idea agnostic is tempting for those who have an obsession with God. Those who consider the idea that wants so long as science does not prove his existence, God does not exist. In this case there is a deliberate, implicitly lead to a final search on nothing materialized in God knowing that there is more one moves closer to the infinite mercy! It is mathematical and I do not personally think of the interest to humans seen inevitable, in fact, leave the field of experimentation equipment to that of metaphysics and the loop is then looped through an obvious failure!
Whether that is a discussion on the infinite nothingness without palpable matter and So without results and / or acceptance of dogma that attempts to reinforce the direct effects be due to his intellectual failure.
In fact the question is to treat those who can manage their fears of emptiness and the unknown by providing an ideal land, those who invent metaphysical subterfuge to calm down ... Alas for them, it hypocrite!
by PM
Follow the rest of these existential thoughts on .
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Biggest Boobs On Film
Here are some videos of someone you meet at the discretion of the web I found these some detailed views very interesting and I can not m prevent sharing them with you.
Transpersonal Psychology:
Meditation and prayer:
stress management:
Femininity, Masculinity:
what is a koan?
A big thank you for these videos.
You can come and discuss these videos Forums circle history and spirituality.
your wish you can also the author's website videos :
Friday, July 10, 2009
Pinnacle 150e 55e Sur Mac
with that of Western countries, the Tunisian ecosystem is the richest in biodiversity, the more complex, the more emancipated and most productive of the Arab-Muslim world.
Minister, MP, doctor, pilot, lawyer, magistrate, a senior, alternaute, teacher, journalist, dentist, pharmacist, ... Tunisian women to bare head is still present in all professional activities in this country built ... by a woman, Elyssa.
far "without rag" on his thoughts, the Tunisian woman was a bright symbol of its modern society, entrenched pillar of his authentic identity, "a Democratic woman," but, despite the circular of 1981, becomes increasingly a shield vulnerable to extremism, fanaticism and inward.
The spirit of the text of the 1956 CSP is not enough, Tunisian women to bare head is decimated by intensive preaching and theological warming. And since few countries have supported a proposed moratorium on the Oriental fashion inspired by sectarian and imported strings and balls in the Gulf, passing a total ban of the veil on women, the species is threatened!
Therefore the ALTERNATING (International Fund for the Protection of Women Tunisian bareheaded) has supported this call to action because such a ban could allow populations of young lay people to recover and regain its full rights.
Text proposed by Phidias on the Alternative Forum Tunisian
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Should I Get One Size Bigger Ski Boot
On July 25, 2009 at Chaffar held for the first time a triathlon or everyone can participate. Whether you're an amateur or professional Many among us. I remember that triathlon is an Olympic sport is a combination of three Olympic swimming cycling and athletics. distance triathlon is scheduled for the 750m swim, 20km bike and 5km run.
(Message moved by chi33 )
Triathlon (Greek τρι: three; αθλον: test) is a sport consisting of the concatenation of three events: swimming , cycling and running to foot. The distances vary according to the competitions. Combining three endurance sports, triathlon also combines three practice settings:For more information go to # / group. php? gid = 63470569536
Swimming (water) : Usually in open water, that is to say outside the comforting atmosphere of a swimming pool with water lines and marks on the bottom, swimming can take place at sea, lake or pond, or river (in the direction of current).
Cycling (air) as often as against the individual time trial, so free shelter of the bunch (each rider must maintain a minimum gap of 7 meters with the competitor who precedes; overruns should be performed with a lateral distance of 3 meters).
Race walk (earth): it is a distance running on road or path.
The sequence of the 3 events without a break from their competitors requires, in addition to being efficient in both disciplines, to make quick transitions between each event. Competitors must remove as soon as possible their combination of swimming out of water and put on their helmets (mandatory) before jumping-literally-most often on the bike. They must also effectively down their horses after the game and put the rider performed as soon as possible their running shoes on feet. How fast do the two transitions (T1 and T2 often noted) can be decisive on shorter triathlons, especially when those authorizing the draft legal "right package to catch the bike is so very important, and a bad transition can cost valuable efforts to return to the peloton.
Sprint 750 meters (swimming) 20 km (bike) 5 km (run)
Short Distance: 1500 meters (nat) 40 km (bike) 10 km (CAP) Average Distance
: 3000 meters (nat) 80 km (bike) 20 km
Long distance (LD or C) 4000 m 30 km 120 km (CAP)
For more sports Tunisians go on the forum Tunisian Alternative
Topic posted by Phidias
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Meagan Good's Brown Hair
The forgiveness impossible. Writing to overcome the silence. A novel cons oblivion
"It's against the law is silent on the crimes of rape, a horrible tragedy that thousands of Algerian women have lived in their flesh During these years of embers, those of 1990, also against the trivialization of the corpus delicti, the element that embodies the barbarism and savagery of the rape and murder and that the government is trying now, again, to erase through its policy of "national reconciliation" for the GIA Islamist criminals that Wahiba Khiari, young English teacher Constantine, born in 1969, decided to write this book to denounce the silence, the law of Omerta, on a subject that wants to present a taboo and also to shed any light on this horrible tragedy. "Adel Latrech
Again, it's deafening silence of those in question, these silences that scream ... The author of this book, Ms. Wahiba Khiari, said "that's it is remembered, for we do not forget (or pretend to forget). "She also says he struggled to write, or rather tell, what these women have been raped suffer, she listened, the spokesman, so what if she is one of those victims. What she says, she denounces therefore only represents a tiny fraction of what the less fortunate that she had to endure. I have not yet read this book, but I'll address this week, I too am willing to keep in mind these silences ..
Suggested reading by Lilia the Tunisian alternative forum.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Respiration Mammal Reptile 10 C
Cathedrals witnessed the magnificent history of the church, a monument to the glory of God above all the glory in May svaoir make the builder, a masterpiece of architecture, stone book opens on the profound symbolism of Christianity. I think we DONT HAVE finished speaking these imposing religious buildings.
here is a video series on the construction of cathedrals.
we discuss on the forum's history and spirituality circle:
the time of the cathedrals.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
How To Make A Homemade Jockstrap
The Veil Is a first step towards a country like Iran or Saudi Arabia? The veil is there to lose any Tunisian women's gains achieved since independence?
Moreover, "It's still amazing! Asks why do we not men to wear the veil or conceal their faces against the women if they so afraid to seduce? The male will Would it lower than that of women? "
Qasim Amin Egyptian who lived between 1863 and 1908.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Is Acupuncture Good For Torn Knee?
Following a reflection of Phidias on the absence of monasticism in Islam, he wonders if Islam could not practice in "Monk Mode"
Monasticism is a retreat often ritualized, sometimes ascetic, but the clergy did not have the same impact among believers who are in the world. And where precisely the relationship to the absolute, or God, is much more direct.
Sof offers this explanation :
In history there have been similar to the buildings of monasteries with Sufis who led their lives. (Men only)
This was the case in "ribats" found in the Maghreb (the best preserved in Tunisia are those of Monastir and Sousse). These ribats have multiplied in the time of Mourabitines (Almoravids). In fact many "saints" of Tunisia for example are from Morocco, countries Mourabitines.
The word has also given in French marabout. Ribat and gave its name to the present capital of Morocco, Rabat. There are also
zaouias, buildings dedicated to various holy men, and where Mystics withdrew.
There are still best known in Tunisia Zaouiet Sidi Bou Said, Sidi Mehrez, Sidi Brahim Riahi, etc. ..
Elsewhere there was the fortress of Alamut, Hassan refuge hachachines Assabbah, Shia Ismailis who were not always peaceful merely mysticism. It is in modern Turkey I think.
To read the entire subject visit:
Marketing Ideas For Apartment Communities
It is with pleasure that I recently discovered this music Tunisian living in France (she currently resides in London)
Samia Farah ( MySpace ) , has an exceptional voice that reminds us from the first listen that Nicolette (the singer who has collaborated with Massive Attack). A voice undulating and very flirtatious.
The music is gentle, yet very rhythmic. What's good downtempo (especially dub)!
Very recommended for those who want to get in a good mood or sleep on a beautiful music!
1999 - Samia Farah
2008 - The Many Moods of ...
To try his two albums, go to the forum alternative
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What Does R Mean On Pokemon Card
recipe sangria
festive and refreshing recipe given by the expert Ghoul the Tunisian alternative forum.
past few weeks I got used to the sangria, the recipe seems wild wheat be derived from elsewhere
- A bottle of red wine of medium quality (no need to take a bottle because his expensive taste will be covered by the other ingredients)
- 8 cl, ie a glass of port, Otherwise I use vodka or rum because it is not found in Tunisia
- 8 cl orange liqueur (Cointreau for example)
- an orange or a lemon, or both
- seasonal fruits: peaches and / or strawberries ... etc.. choose juicy fruits
- powdered sugar, possibly cinnamon and / or ginger
Cut all fruit in the wine, add the liqueur, sugar and spices, stir until the sugar melts and let cool at night (or day). It is very important to prepare the sangria 24 hr in advance so that the wine has time to absorb the flavors of fruit. Serve chilled with or without ice. If it was not time, we can fall back on "Tinto de verano" English. Mix a bottle of red wine at an equivalent amount of lemon soda (fanta lemon, viva ...), serve with ice cubes and a slice of lemon. Fast, fresh and light ... Perfect for this season!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Toronto Spikes Running
(March 1897-8 September 1981) was a teacher of the twentieth century the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta or non-duality. He led a life of petty trader in Mumbai (Bombay), where he sold "bidies" (small Indian cigarettes). The direct style of teaching Westerners interested him as much as oriental, in particular through the book that published by his disciples: "I am That," which was translated into many languages (French: "I am"). His spiritual lineage is called Navnath Sampradaya, whose origin dates back to the Rishi Dattatreya.
We talk on the forum
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Does Betsy Johnson Make Any Diaper Bags?
I am pleased to announce the opening of the forum's history and spirituality circle.
"The evolution of man through time, our origne to today. Come share your knowledge, your offer ways of understanding the human past and its consequences today. Your understanding of the life and the world around us through the history of philosophy and spirituality. For studying the history of man and his spirituality, to understand where it came from, and above all ... the possibilities of evolution. In this crossroads between past and future is here and now it's happening!
we are pleased to welcome you on the forums of history and spirituality circle to share all our knowledge and points of view. "
Forums circle history and spirituality
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Deathwatch Robb White Chapter 1- 17 Cliff Notes

drums vibrate facades, not beat out the rhythm, the brass trumpet to kill head seeming to announce the return of the sun. The bright colors are mixed in the masked dances, which is which? Which is what this day is forgotten the facades of everyday life for daring, perhaps, under cover of disguise what our inhibitions prevent us to do our customary clothes.
It's party time! The madness is allowed, let out the devils within us all, dance, laugh in these colors blatant free rein to let our wild instincts.
El carnival, spring returns, ... Old Man Winter is going to leave that place great Belenos Day by day shines longer and longer and warm our bodies and our minds asleep by cold and long winter night.

When was the festivities, what is the origin of carnival?
It is difficult to answer accurately, but some historians agree to link with the bacchanalian carnival celebrations, festivals celebrated in ancient times almost to the same period the year period was also to this time the start of the new year. These sexual orgies and alcohol in honor of Bacchus.
Bacchus is the Roman counterpart of Dionysus much older. God's very special. Born of Zeus and a princess, this one is dying of want to see the god of gods in its true image, her future child still developing in her womb. Zeus the fetus and then recovered with the help of Hermes inserts it into her thigh or it will eventually build and to be born from the thigh of his father (born from the thigh of Jupiter) is called for that, sometimes, the twice born.
Dionysus is well known for being the god of wine (but it seems that this award is belated, it is more vraissemblable it was before god beer). It is also the god of secretion (blood, semen, milk, urine), the god of fermentation, but especially the god of theater and more specifically the tragedy and comedy. (There are already some adventure or character dress up around the myth of Dionysus), but also the god of death and rebirth and ecstasy. The celebrations in honor of Dionysus who became the Bacchanalia (which seems to be a degeneration of a celebration of the Dionysian mysteries, life and death through ecstasy. The procession bacchantes of Sylena and satyr is orchestrated by the god Pan, god just as interesting. That in a nutshell, I'd be more detailed article about these two gods soon.
But we also find this kind of festivity in other traditions, festivals of Isis in Egypt or spells in Hebrew. The first
sources some of the carnival are celebrated by the Roman Saturnalia, or even in those days people were marching in the streets hidden in chariots decorated.
year for former did not start in January but in March. Before the reconstruction of a new year, it must pass through the chaos, the former already believed the cycle of life of chaos and organization. The carnival was then that period of chaos, festivals, or dance and drink alcohol disrupted the senses. Social order was also disrupted: we see in ancient times, the slave masters and become slaves to become master for five days. It then makes what is usually prohibited.
The colorful confetti were launched in ancient seeds thrown in a sign of fertility.
masks create an anonymity that allows to avoid the gaze of others and free themselves from social inhibitions. There are more than social status or hierarchy. Under the mask, the mask can fall and can then be really make the experience itself. The choice of mask and costume to its importance as the dress is a reflection of our inner ...

In some areas the carnival festivities end with the firing of the snowman, a large wooden figure which is set on fire, burning the winter and then left up to the renewal springlike.

Influenced Christian Carnival is Mardi Gras, the last day where we can eat meat before Lent is a period of restriction which prepares for Passover.
I think we can conclude by saying that the carnival festivities today are the links of a long chain of the universal celebration of spring.
We discuss on the forum circle of history and spirituality
Monday, May 18, 2009
Polaris 4x4 Wiring Diagram
I came across this blog % 3A00% 3A00% 2B01% 3A00 & updated-max = 2010-01-01T00% 3A00% 3A00% 2B01% 3A00 & max-results = 10
this blogger writes a new spoke in Tunisia, with some very raw language . Nice try anyway.
PS: We need to start reading from the first part, which is located down on the link. Subject
proposes sof
Opinions of other alternautes:
wild_bled : for the 1st and 2nd grade ... I do not think there is an excess of swear words ... no more entand it every day ...
I liked ....
King Kenny : I loved it, I like the style that is very original, plus it's the first time that I come across something realist, serials or any exaggeration is stereotyped e I do not like, in addition to the crude language imposes an atmosphere without the big words AC was not famous I findMore selections of the most popular blogs on the topic BlogZone the Tunisian forum Alternative
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Distinguishing Herpes From Ingrown Hair
Anwar speaks neither English nor French nor English: what he says in Arabic were translated by an official of Human Rights Watch (HRW), which helped out of Iraq. "I was arrested by Iraqi security forces in February, tells the young man a voice. I
was tortured and repeatedly raped . The five gay men who were with me in a cell
were executed. Four days after their death, I was released and I fled. "
From an article in the world
J e wonder how these cops arrive to watch in ice, and they stop running because they are gay men but they sodomize with impunity. It is they who should be punished for rape and sodomy.
Further discussion on the forum
Thursday, May 14, 2009
What Does 944 Stand For?

"The Harkis were the auxiliaries of the French army who had chosen to fight with her against the Algerian nationalists. At the end of the war, France has abandoned them . In Algeria, they were subjected to massacres, the families of fighters are not spared. Those who had moved to France were treated as pariahs, abandoned in a kind of internment camps, without any economic or social support . They have been marginalized, stigmatized, victims of racism, as if France disowned them, was ashamed, after using it. "
the Algerian FLN and chose the most radical way to punish
... Do you think this punishment is too severe or well deserved?
We opened a poll on the forum Alternative Tunisian and Alternautes are quite divided on the answers:

El Manchou: Whoa! do not take people for idiots, no one side of the FLN who the good guys have "liberated" the country (for better loot then for info Bouteflika was already with Foreign Minister Ben Bella ...) and other collaborators Harkis sold the wicked ...
Many people are engaged in Harkis to simply fight the FLN. The FLN was not unanimity among Algerians for their barbaric methods against its own citizens. People who had relatives murdered by the FLN (they zigouillaient an entire village, if a guy from the village had "evil" act), did not hesitate to engage in revenge for harkis .....
Overdrive I would not have forgiven those who have committed crimes considered, because the law must take its course. I would not have condemned those who had an allegiance with France because people were divided at the time but I condemn the criminals on both sides. Although things are not as easy to untangle.
for national liberation FLN did not attack only military but I guess the French settlers. The French treat them as terrorists, but it was part of the national struggle and it has earned them praise after independence.
In any case, I leave aside the families and I would avoid any mass punishment. Everyone is accountable according to his actions. It's hard to imagine but the fighters who fought loyally and without crimes deserved to join the national army. In my opinion, within certain limits and if we stay true to his conscience can be mistaken for camps and then comes to national reconciliation.
The Acro bat: I would not forgiven Harkis, Tunisians were killed by France and its collaborators, they should leave the country because we can not enable them to change sides so easily (weathervanes Guillon, collaboration in 40 resistant to 45). Do course, not kill them, they must be treated as the French and even harder is like that and not otherwise ...
Krishna's Child : It is difficult to form an opinion. The Harkis took the letter from the french message, like what Algeria was part of France. They chose the camp of the defeated, perhaps by stupidity, perhaps opportunistically, perhaps by idealism, perhaps out of admiration for the Europeans, perhaps for balance, unaware that one day they batttraient against theirs ... I suppose that all cases have existed. Do not forget the people some villages were not the FLN (for reasons political or tribal), and have the, first time, their hello's enlistment in the French Army, the rpincipe "or with us or against us "
Given this history are traitors, but if things had been different, for example, if France had disavowed the settlers and gave French nationality to all" natives, "the story would have been different and perhaps they would have been the new leaders of Algeria, divided into departments french??
In any case the most to blame are the french, they are the cowards who have dropped.
Che Guevara: Well it's a very complex problem, here I see that it is France that is wrong and has hurt bp in Algeria whereas the natives (how I hate that word) an inferior race and have not tried improve the lives of Algerians but instead they imported settlers pathetic that took the best lands of Algeria and have used all methods humiliating against the local population that has resulted in the creation of the FLN who responded ferociously against the settlers and massacres have been made on both sides.
the Harkis for me are wrong because they accepted the rules of colonizers force and participated in the French policy of repression in Algeria.
Alter: join the enemy to fight his concioyens c is the high point barComment on the forum Tunisian alternative
treason and traitor aiileur all had the fate
mm (harki of Algeria, who joined Viets lea american, french
co) are hunted by their fellow
and regarded as subhuman by their "guardians" No one they had only what they deserved "are
mbaddel la7ya bla7ya .."
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Black And Decker Blender Replacement Parts Canada
I always hated the crumpling because I have not the patient for antiquing. By cons I like to wear something you found for me. There was not long ago I went with my brother who was looking for jeans. He searched for hours without result and I'm at the last moment that I came across a ideaaaal pants! I've made and so I love I keep even while sleeping. In addition to the cheap, because not "selected", you know the parts that are more or less clean that sellers hang on the wall and increases the price by x. It is indecent to 30 pants dnr eg basketball or abused it for 50 dnr. Oh i also bought a pair of converse also not bad at all. Reasonable price. Actually I prefer to buy something of good quality even if second hand is better than the Chinese product could be dangerous ...
If Alter as above, do you like thrift stores surveyed of Hafsia of Mellasine, the Manouba, or else .... Come share your good deals on the Tunisian alternative forum.
Does The Letter R On A Pokemon Card Mean Its Rare
Hi all! After the strides of megara we always have the opportunity to participate in this next half marathon, so ... who is leaving? I'm pretty motivated to do so, at least improve my lap time staff (1:36), while having fun, the challenge with others with oneself. Must see the good side of things ! I hope many participants will be to share such a beautiful passion .
Wild Thornberrys Wildlife Rescue Game Problem
I was once told that there was a man who had feet of donkeys wandering around at night, if you Do not make fun of him and you catch it, they could give you pleiiiiiiiiiiiiin money! (Must be strong, because he runs very fast and has superhuman strength), and I was also told that there was a very old lady who is always sefséri and knocking at the door you apply for asylum, should not accept bah! otherwise it will kill you at night! It is also true huh! people who told me that they know people who have lived! Oh and these same people also told me that during the night of 9adr, the angel Gabriel descended on earth and he just elevates the wishes of a single landowner, well, one day he appeared at one of their cousin! ! Billeh yezziw blah bidi 5rafet ÉNA 3andi mana7ki, national news has become polluted with rags and Co. assabeh
ticket mood Lady Godiva against rumors that pollute the channels of information to the absurd. Other information (or disinformation?) On the Tunisian alternative forum.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Restasis Sinus Problems

Kahena: " I often read and reread the code to see if there was a way of renouncing citizenship, why? Because I was angry against the law that is totally unequal including with women in family law / estates, there still mixing religion with the right, if I'm getting married my husband must necessarily be Muslim, so that if I were a guy and I got married with a stranger I could not force my future wife to adopt the Muslim religion, and if I divorce I have always considered at fault if I inherit my Muslim husband I must be Muslim, if I inherit family and my brothers and they will have more than me .... etc. ..... "
SOF " And bam right in the mile! Being proud is a necessity for every human being in my opinion. When you are proud of belonging to a nation is proud to be a lot more than what you quote, a History, culture, ... Is to have the nostalgia of our childhood images, landscapes, flavors, ... faults that you mention are not the preserve of only Tunisia and in terms of hypocrisy such as French can compete with us without problem. Reject reject his country is like his father or mother because they are a bit old school for example. But there is another good position to consider themselves 'citizens of the world' without real nation, and who sees the idea of nation an invention of the mind that is not used much ... it's a respectable position but I disagree. "
On an issue of El Manchou forum on the Tunisian alternative the alternautes exchange their views on the concept of nationality. Kahena Sof and express nuanced positions here. Many other opinions have followed here
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Letter Of Recommendation For Studying Abroad
Anouar Brahem
So what about this evening ... I dig, I dig into my head to find other adjectives that already used and I do not think I'll just say music, music and music! You close your eyes and let yourself out (I closed mine), and thinks of nothing, absolutely nothing! it reopens the same when looking for the artist and his way of doing things, take his lute and play ...
were entitled to first on his CD that will be released in the month of August, in memory of Mahmoud Darwish!
A favorite for: عاشق بيروت and إلى عيون ريتا a marvel!
I wish it lasted a bit longer still, there was not the most famous pieces such as Le Pas du Chat Black, Leila in the Land of Carousel and many more.
Out concert ears still charmed by the art of Anouar Brahem, told by Lilia the Tunisian alternative forum. The
click the lute International =>