Following a reflection of Phidias on the absence of monasticism in Islam, he wonders if Islam could not practice in "Monk Mode"
Monasticism is a retreat often ritualized, sometimes ascetic, but the clergy did not have the same impact among believers who are in the world. And where precisely the relationship to the absolute, or God, is much more direct.
Sof offers this explanation :
In history there have been similar to the buildings of monasteries with Sufis who led their lives. (Men only)
This was the case in "ribats" found in the Maghreb (the best preserved in Tunisia are those of Monastir and Sousse). These ribats have multiplied in the time of Mourabitines (Almoravids). In fact many "saints" of Tunisia for example are from Morocco, countries Mourabitines.
The word has also given in French marabout. Ribat and gave its name to the present capital of Morocco, Rabat. There are also
zaouias, buildings dedicated to various holy men, and where Mystics withdrew.
There are still best known in Tunisia Zaouiet Sidi Bou Said, Sidi Mehrez, Sidi Brahim Riahi, etc. ..
Elsewhere there was the fortress of Alamut, Hassan refuge hachachines Assabbah, Shia Ismailis who were not always peaceful merely mysticism. It is in modern Turkey I think.
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