If for a nationality you were asked to repudiate the Tunisian nationality, would you?

Kahena: " I often read and reread the code to see if there was a way of renouncing citizenship, why? Because I was angry against the law that is totally unequal including with women in family law / estates, there still mixing religion with the right, if I'm getting married my husband must necessarily be Muslim, so that if I were a guy and I got married with a stranger I could not force my future wife to adopt the Muslim religion, and if I divorce I have always considered at fault if I inherit my Muslim husband I must be Muslim, if I inherit family and my brothers and they will have more than me .... etc. ..... "
SOF " And bam right in the mile! Being proud is a necessity for every human being in my opinion. When you are proud of belonging to a nation is proud to be a lot more than what you quote, a History, culture, ... Is to have the nostalgia of our childhood images, landscapes, flavors, ... faults that you mention are not the preserve of only Tunisia and in terms of hypocrisy such as French can compete with us without problem. Reject reject his country is like his father or mother because they are a bit old school for example. But there is another good position to consider themselves 'citizens of the world' without real nation, and who sees the idea of nation an invention of the mind that is not used much ... it's a respectable position but I disagree. "
On an issue of El Manchou forum on the Tunisian alternative the alternautes exchange their views on the concept of nationality. Kahena Sof and express nuanced positions here. Many other opinions have followed here
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