"The Harkis were the auxiliaries of the French army who had chosen to fight with her against the Algerian nationalists. At the end of the war, France has abandoned them . In Algeria, they were subjected to massacres, the families of fighters are not spared. Those who had moved to France were treated as pariahs, abandoned in a kind of internment camps, without any economic or social support . They have been marginalized, stigmatized, victims of racism, as if France disowned them, was ashamed, after using it. "
the Algerian FLN and chose the most radical way to punish
... Do you think this punishment is too severe or well deserved?
We opened a poll on the forum Alternative Tunisian and Alternautes are quite divided on the answers:

El Manchou: Whoa! do not take people for idiots, no one side of the FLN who the good guys have "liberated" the country (for better loot then for info Bouteflika was already with Foreign Minister Ben Bella ...) and other collaborators Harkis sold the wicked ...
Many people are engaged in Harkis to simply fight the FLN. The FLN was not unanimity among Algerians for their barbaric methods against its own citizens. People who had relatives murdered by the FLN (they zigouillaient an entire village, if a guy from the village had "evil" act), did not hesitate to engage in revenge for harkis .....
Overdrive I would not have forgiven those who have committed crimes considered, because the law must take its course. I would not have condemned those who had an allegiance with France because people were divided at the time but I condemn the criminals on both sides. Although things are not as easy to untangle.
for national liberation FLN did not attack only military but I guess the French settlers. The French treat them as terrorists, but it was part of the national struggle and it has earned them praise after independence.
In any case, I leave aside the families and I would avoid any mass punishment. Everyone is accountable according to his actions. It's hard to imagine but the fighters who fought loyally and without crimes deserved to join the national army. In my opinion, within certain limits and if we stay true to his conscience can be mistaken for camps and then comes to national reconciliation.
The Acro bat: I would not forgiven Harkis, Tunisians were killed by France and its collaborators, they should leave the country because we can not enable them to change sides so easily (weathervanes Guillon, collaboration in 40 resistant to 45). Do course, not kill them, they must be treated as the French and even harder is like that and not otherwise ...
Krishna's Child : It is difficult to form an opinion. The Harkis took the letter from the french message, like what Algeria was part of France. They chose the camp of the defeated, perhaps by stupidity, perhaps opportunistically, perhaps by idealism, perhaps out of admiration for the Europeans, perhaps for balance, unaware that one day they batttraient against theirs ... I suppose that all cases have existed. Do not forget the people some villages were not the FLN (for reasons political or tribal), and have the, first time, their hello's enlistment in the French Army, the rpincipe "or with us or against us "
Given this history are traitors, but if things had been different, for example, if France had disavowed the settlers and gave French nationality to all" natives, "the story would have been different and perhaps they would have been the new leaders of Algeria, divided into departments french??
In any case the most to blame are the french, they are the cowards who have dropped.
Che Guevara: Well it's a very complex problem, here I see that it is France that is wrong and has hurt bp in Algeria whereas the natives (how I hate that word) an inferior race and have not tried improve the lives of Algerians but instead they imported settlers pathetic that took the best lands of Algeria and have used all methods humiliating against the local population that has resulted in the creation of the FLN who responded ferociously against the settlers and massacres have been made on both sides.
the Harkis for me are wrong because they accepted the rules of colonizers force and participated in the French policy of repression in Algeria.
Alter: join the enemy to fight his concioyens c is the high point barComment on the forum Tunisian alternative
treason and traitor aiileur all had the fate
mm (harki of Algeria, who joined Viets lea american, french
co) are hunted by their fellow
and regarded as subhuman by their "guardians" No one they had only what they deserved "are
mbaddel la7ya bla7ya .."
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