Saturday, March 28, 2009

Produce An Increase In Dead Space Volume?

traditional (natural plants)

Argan, Castor, Watercress ...
flacons d

I was talking with a friend of problems hair and how I had to cut a few months ago they became so weak! and then she told me that cutting was not the solution, all was well maintained! And mine above all they needed it since I use quite frequently shampoo dyes (casting), so she suggested the Argan Oil found mainly in Morocco, rare oil (very rare even ) and quite expensive, but the effect is like "you have to see it to believe it" so it makes hair smooth, easy to style, and above all healthy! In short, I went to the fair in the creation and Crafts where I Found an exhibitor who showed natural beauty products made by itself, I asked her if she would not have oil Aragan, and she gave me a small "bottle" of approximately 30 ml to 12 dt I told myself that this is not particularly profitable it might not be the "true" and that anyway it would do me for a single application.

Finally, she offered me something else, an oil composed of : Ricin (or rather the castor oil that was used in the early twentieth century to smooth and protect hair); chamomile, rosemary, lavender ; thyme. It is mainly used for hair loss, but she said she is equally beneficial for brittle hair (since I was not concerned by hair loss). An average bottle is not indicated how cl, and it 15DT, I told myself that in all cases is better than the mask or hair L'Oreal Garnier, which are quite effective yes, but not in practice as they make the hair even fatter than they already are! I only tried once, and so I can judge, but already I think it's a bargain!

I also took t the Soap Cresson : sage floral waters; Rosemary; Globular; organic olive oil; Seed Cresson . So there! I was thrilled! is mainly: anti-task, clarification and cons of acne. When used after a shower, I tell you, it seems not even the skin of her face! skin and clear more needs neither peeling nor peeling or anything like that! alone it does all that and it is 5 dt. It also all kinds of creams, lotions and masks, clay of any kind.

Beauty & Health Tips by Lilia the Tunisian alternative forum.

The click that knock the spots =>


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