Saturday, January 31, 2009

Corset Prom Dresses 2010

: conference on shamanism

Author of the book "The Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the Origins of Knowledge "Jeremy Narby has a doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University, he lived among the Indians in the Amazon and returns ashaninca now regularly among them. I see viesn uen lecture he gave on shamanism is the plusinétressante and complete.

It begins with an account of the ecological situation of the territories inhabited by these Indians from Amazonia that is not pleasing due to the extraction of raw materials from their land by greedy multinationals.

It continues with an explanation of words shamans and shamanic perspective etymological and historical dévelloppe then what is for him the essence of shamanism. Jeremy Narby at had some experiences with ayahuasca, the drink of shamans who are in altered states of consciousness when he told the conference. It touches upon

various points of this presentation very interesting and I recommend to all those who are curious about these so-called shamanic cultures make time to watch this video.

if it does not work or if you want to see the video in full screen
duration: 1:23

site inre: Research Institute of extraordinary experiences for which has been made this video conference. you'll find articles and videos very interesting.

we discuss on the forum's history and spirituality circle


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