A documentary directed by Tunisian Samed Hajji, a documentary that gives speak to a woman of 44 years, Sabiha, "artist illiterate" in a region of north-western Tunisia.
A 24-minute documentary through which we forget our world, our spirit and our life for us for a jump in other places, to have a glimpse of what a life difficult, what is that unrealized dreams, ambitions failed, and unexpressed desires.
An overview of what it is that the soul of an artist who lives only through his art and through him, pottery! She says that she has mud in the hands is what constitutes its essence.
It only meets the needs of the entire family including his mother, his brother inactive and disabled due to an accident, his wife's sister and their children. As for herself, she did not marry, she wanted all her suitors "leaves" his work, she does most of the pottery, she said, they do not understand what this is for mud it, they do not understand her art and she refuses to drop, hence his refusal, she now says that "the train has already whistled .
She says she can savor the happy moments, she can laugh, and if she does, she wonders why having done so, by cons, its tendency to sink in tears easily, and then she feels calmer ...
Regard woman on a beautiful portrait of a woman made by Lilia after Doc in Tunis 2009, 4th edition of this indispensable film Mediterranean. To find such sensitive reporting, but also those of " Silence" Karim Souak of Farah Frédérci directed by Mitterrand, or even Eddar Bent, a documentary directed by Fatma Cherif , click the Tunisian alternative forum. The click
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