There was an article about online Byrsa to evoke first lesson learned in elementary school, and a comment from Mad Djerba me put a flea in his ear: it's true it's a single bed. The iconic image of childhood is a separate room. P ire, by doing more attention: the father is not there during the day (it is at work) the mother is there, so it does not bump not. In the morning the father wakes up quietly while the mother is preparing milk (or sorghum saw the spoon) . The mother is shown by the girl as a model, the father is also shown by the son as a model. And both models are very different. The mother is a housewife installed at the window, the father is the example of lwahra wel wa9ar probably in a portrait in the living room ...
Remembrance of the first page of the first book of the first year of primary education, with hindsight and a more critical review by transpotting the Tunisian alternative forum. The click
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