What should we think of the work of Antony Sutton , an American scholar who died in 2002 and was a researcher for 7 years at Stanford University (Hoover Foundation)?
First item: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, A. Sutton already demonstrated the technological dependency of the USSR from the 30, towards the West and reached only 2 or 3 exceptions, all the technological innovations came from Western countries, so "discredited" by the Bolshevik regime ...
The West has built, supported and financed the Red dictatorship from the beginning.
Without such logistic support, a regime so unjust would not have survived!
In a second book: " Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution , A. Sutton reveals some of the financing of the revolution of 1917, the U.S. financial links with the revolutionaries (another part being constituted by sponsoring German). He talks about the actions of officers of the Morgan banking firm in the illegal movement of Gold Bolshevik to the United States, but also the subversive role of the American Red Cross in Russia, co-opted by powerful interests on Wall Street .
Sutton reveals the contracts between large firms and the Soviets for the specific purpose of monopolizing the huge Russian market more than 15 years before the Government of the United States does not recognize the Soviet regime ...
For the first time, the close links between some New York bankers and many revolutionaries were proved with documents unassailable by a leading academic.
A 3rd book confirms what was written on another topic recently: the U.S. financial procured money to the Nazis and equipment intended to provoke the Second World War. ("Wall Street and The Rise of ***** h)
Subsequently, Sutton attacked to secret societies he accuses of leading the world through particular the Federal Reserve and central banks or in some countries, like France, "families" are co-opted from one century to exercise any power reserved a very special elite ...
Antony Sutton wanted to draw attention to the plotters whom he accuses of trying to incite the 3rd World War through the spark of the "Middle East" major conflict that will see the simultaneous destruction of Zionism and the Muslim World as announced in the famous letter Pike to Mazzini in 1870-71!
Is there a hidden side of history or all of these revelations that are pure fabrications that they?
Read the full article published on a website necessarily a "conspiracy" http://www.barruel.com/antony-sutton.html
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