Jesus Christ must return first to seek His Church and removed to meet Him in the air. A correct understanding of Bible prophecy shows that the kidnapping must occur before the Great Tribulation, during which the Antichrist shall reign for seven years over a devastated land.
We understand better and better the prophecies of the Bible. As world events continue to unfold, what once seemed allegorically becomes quite feasible. The New Agers themselves had been warned by their spirit guides, by 1989, they should expect a removal of "troublemakers"!
We are often contacted by readers who disagree with our position in favor of removal of the Church prior to the Great Tribulation. It therefore seems necessary to repeat often an indisputable fact: that once seemed completely unreasonable becomes perfectly understandable in light of current events.
Until the early twentieth century, most commentators believed that the Bible two hundred million soldiers mentioned in Apocalypse: 9 / 16 represented a number too fantastic to be taken literally, and should be allegorical and represent a spiritual reality. Indeed, at that time, all the armies of the world combined did not reach an astronomical number also. It should therefore not be taken literally. Yet from the 70s, we realized that China, alone, could bring an army of this size, if it so decided. What seemed completely unreasonable became perfectly reasonable! It is the same for all the prophecies. As time passes, their interpretation becomes increasingly clear.
The church history also proves that sometimes took several centuries for the great doctrines of faith take form and are fully formulated. For example, the doctrine of justification by faith alone has been "forgotten" until the call into Martin Luther in the sixteenth century light. Do not fall into the trap of believing that everything that the early commentators on the Bible says is sacrosanct and should not be any change.
Today, many Christians scoff at the idea that the Church should be secretly removed in heaven. They claim that this doctrine was concocted in 1830 by some Margaret McDonald, and she was then taken over by the Plymouth Brethren, or Brethren Wide. It was popularized through the efforts of CI Scofield, who published his famous Bible commentary to references.
To answer these objections, all we can say is this: "What say the Scriptures?" This doctrine of the rapture of the Church is it confirmed by the entire Bible? We need to study this subject as objectively as possible, in light of Scripture.
One can not dispute the fact that the Church will be removed from the earth into a moment, because 1 Thessalonians: 4 / 13 - 18 and 1 Corinthians : 15 / 51-53 clearly state. The only problem is to define when the Church will be removed [answer: Rev chp 10 v 7 and Revelation chp 11 v 13 - v 15 = Trumpet No. 7, Instant Revelation T] . Many argue that the rapture will occur during the return of Jesus Christ on Earth, at the end of the period of the Tribulation, not before the beginning of the Tribulation. All Christians are willing to believe that God can certainly take his children on Earth when he chose. But there are a number of very logical reasons that allow us to believe that the rapture of the Church will occur before the Great Tribulation.
Above all, what we really need to understand is the fact that the main purpose of the Great Tribulation (or the "Lord's Day") is to correct and purify the nation of Israel. The Church of Jesus Christ is not affected by this process because it is the beloved and the Bride of the Lord. Part of the confusion is illustrated by the fact that we do not understand well the meaning of the word "elected", which applies to children of God.
The Church is exclusively composed of elected members. But there are two other categories of elected of God who are not part of the Church. The first category concerns the saints of the Old Testament. The second category includes those who are saved during the Great Tribulation. So when Matthew, 24, or the Gospels of Mark and Luke speak of the "elected," we must understand that this is not the saints of the Church, for reasons we will develop in detail far.
Most of the prophecies concerning the Tribulation period are found in the Old Testament and therefore clearly affect Israel. In addition, we do not see why the Lord require His beloved wife to go through all unimaginable horrors of the Great Tribulation, even if the Church is composed entirely of former corrupt and sinners worthy of hell. The Lord saved us by His grace, not by any of our merits. What could serve such a punishment? No punishment could remove or change the nature of sin. As long as we live in a mortal body, our earthly existence will continue to be characterized by the possibility of sin. We will not be permanently freed from the presence of sin when we receive our glorified bodies in the resurrection.
Those who insist that the Great Tribulation will serve to remove the Church "wrinkles and blemishes" (Ephesians 5 / 27), so it can be presented to Christ, thus neglecting this elementary truth. Any human imperfection and every trace of sin shall be removed from our lives before we can stand in the presence of the Lord. This will be accomplished in an instant when removing (1 Corinthians: 15 / 50 - 58). Believing that the Church must go through a period of "purification" is to accept the lie of Purgatory! The Christians of the Church are spotless because Jesus Christ has imputed His perfection!
look at what the Old Testament says about the "Day of the Lord" and "time of Jacob's trouble", to better understand how these prophecies apply to Israel. We will see that few biblical themes were treated with equal emphasis in the Old Testament.
When the prophets of the Lord's Day, they often used language similar to that of Amos, when he said:
"Woe to those who desire the day of the Lord "What do you expect the day of the Lord? is darkness and not light. You're like a man who flees a lion and a bear met him, who makes his house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. The day of the LORD Is not darkness and not light? Is not it dark and dull? "(Amos 5 / 18 - 20).
On the theological level, the" Day of the Lord "includes everything that will occur during any a period during which God will fulfill all His promises and put an end to history. However, most of the passages of the Old Testament focus mainly on the dark days of trial and tribulation that will mark the beginning of "Day of the Lord. "They described this period as a horrible time for humanity. Every day, terrible judgments devastate the Earth and its inhabitants will empty by the millions. It is a time of terror and darkness, misery and unrest, a time when God's wrath is unleashed without measure against a sinful humanity. All these passages show, with others, that the elect of God and the pagans, shall undergo the divine judgments, because the whole world who will be affected by the Tribulation.
Here's what Jeremiah says: 25 / 32 - 33:
"Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil will of nation to nation, and a big storm rises from the ends of the earth. And the slain of the Lord in that day will be extended from one end to another of the land and shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried, they shall be as dung upon the earth. "
Yet despite the horrific events of this period, God's intention is clear: It wants to use it to save. Here's what some prophets
"Woe! Because this day is great, there has not been the like. It is a time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved "(Jeremiah 30 / 7). The context shows that Jacob is to say Israel will be issued by this time of anguish, not this time.
"I will pass under the rod, and I'll put in links to the alliance. I from among you the rebels and those who are unfaithful to me, I will draw the country where they sojourn, but they will not the land of Israel. And you know that I am the Lord "(Ezekiel: 20/37 - 38).
"Across the country, says the LORD, two thirds will be exterminated, will perish, and one third remain. I will bring the third into the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, I try them as gold is tried. They will call my name, and I hear them I say: My people! And he will say: The Lord is my God "(Zechariah: 13 / 8 - 9).
Note that two-thirds of Israel must be exterminated. Only a third is to survive the rigors of God's justice!
The period of the Tribulation is for Israel to try and prepare this nation to any conversion. Apocalypse See also: 7 / 9 and 14 / 4, and compare with Ezekiel: 20 / 37-38 and Zechariah: 13 / 1 and 8 to 9, already cited.
All this should make us understand that the world is to know a terrible tribulation. Yet, God desires to compete these terrible moments for the good of humanity. It will lead to the end that He Himself has provided.
Here are the key passages that you can study:
On the Day of the Lord: Isaiah 2 / 12 and 13 / 6, Ezekiel 13 / 5 and 30 / 3; Joel: 1 / 15 and 2 / 1, 11, 31, Amos 5 / 18 - 20; Obadiah: 15; Zephaniah: 1 / 7, 14, Zechariah 14 / 1; Malachi: 4 / 5.
Concerning Tribulation: Deuteronomy: 4 / 30 - 31 Isaiah 2 / 19 and 24 / 1, 3, 6, 19 to 21, Isaiah 26 / 20 to 21, Jeremiah 30 / 7, Daniel 9 / 27 and 12 / 1; Joel: 1 / 15 and 2 / 1 - 2, Amos 5 / 18 - 20; Zephaniah: 1 / 14 - 15, 18.
Now that we have established the foundation of the Tribulation, and showed it concerns Israel, not the church, turn our attention to the logical arguments that are consistent with an abduction prior to the Tribulation. We have already said that it is totally unrealistic and spiritually useless as the Lord requires His beloved Bride through these horrible events. Since we're on the subject of the Bride of Christ, we must examine briefly what were the ancient Jewish customs regarding courtship and marriage.
When parents had agreed on marriage, were done first to get engaged. At that time, the engagement represented a commitment as strong as that of marriage. The groom is then separated from his fiancée to go build him a house. This often lasted two years. The bride waited in the house of his father, but she lived in expectation of return "imminent" to her fiance. His luggage was ready and she looked forward to when her boyfriend would get her. When the house was finally ready, all guests should proceed happily with the groom to his bride's house in the middle of the night. The bridegroom was accompanied by "friend of the bridegroom." Today we would call the "witness". Approaching the house, the friend of the bridegroom had to exclaim: "Behold, the bridegroom comes!" The bride would naturally be aroused, and open the door. She would then accompany the group in his father's house, where they attended the wedding ceremony itself. Then the couple move into their new house for a honeymoon that usually lasted seven days.
One can not fail to notice the parallels between this ancient Jewish custom, and the rapture of the Church! The bride is to say the Church should expect its Bridegroom, Jesus Christ in the house of his father, an image of this world controlled by Satan. After two years of separation (nearly 2,000 years in fact), the Bridegroom comes back to His Bride. The wedding ceremony must take place in the house of the Father in Heaven. The honeymoon in their new home (which Jesus spoke in John 14 / 2) will last seven days, which correspond to the seven years of the Great Tribulation on Earth.
In 1 Thessalonians 5 / 9, we find another argument in favor of removal before the Tribulation: "For God did not to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ ".
Taken in context, this verse is clearly associated with the instruction given by Paul about the abduction. This instruction is from Chapter 4, verse 13 to Chapter 5, Verse 11. Paul wrote this first epistle to the Thessalonians for the main reason that this church was concerned about what had become of their beloved deceased. These were beloved apparently Christians, and they died without having known the kidnapping. Paul had already taught the Thessalonians that removal should occur. But as he had remained with them for a month, their knowledge of the subject was incomplete. Therefore, in order to correct this misunderstanding, Paul had written to tell them that their loved ones who were dead in Christ will precede some of those who would have remained alive at the time of the abduction.
Notice that Paul uses twice the word "comfort" in his speech. He tries to calm their fears. Then he concludes with the verse cited above (5 / 9). They said that God did not intended to anger. Those who undergo this anger are the nation of Israel, in particular, and the rest of the world in general. We have to understand that Paul's teaching concerning the removal is intended to be a source of comfort for Christians of all time.
But the devil had to torment the Christians of Thessaloniki. Because they were told that the persecutions they were crossing a sign that they were going through the "Day of the Lord," the Tribulation. They had missed the removal ! This has prompted the second epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. It gives them this opportunity (and us) two very clear signs that must be accomplished before the start of the Tribulation. In chapter 2, verse 3, Paul asks us not allow ourselves to be seduced by anyone. Because "date" will not come until the apostasy is not reached first produced, and as we have seen no published human sin, the Antichrist. So we need to know that these two things must first occur, so that the Great Tribulation can actually begin.
So I ask you a question: "Why would he have given Paul to the Thessalonians that education, had he not mind that the removal should occur before the Great Tribulation? "Think about it!
Another interesting point concerns the" apostasy "which is spoken in verse 3 of Chapter 2. The Greek word can indeed have two different meanings. Most commentators believe that this is a massive abandonment of truth and faith, just before the Tribulation period. It seems quite possible for the Antichrist, when he assumes power, can be worshiped in the world. But other prominent commentators have pointed out that the Greek word "apostasia" can also be translated by "ex"! This may relate to the departure from the Church of this world, just before the Tribulation. However, it should be noted that all the Greek specialists do not agree with this interpretation, even those who believe in a kidnapping before the Tribulation. This particular point is far from established.
You just know, as stated in the comments of some Bibles, the word "apostasia" can also mean "leaving the Church."
We find in Apocalypse: 3 / 10 another passage concerning the subject of our discussion. The Lord speaks to the Church of Philadelphia:
"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the world to experience the inhabitants of the earth." The Greek text actually says: "I will keep thee from the hour of temptation ..." Think about the word "hour". It is a term related to the earth. Once you left the earth and this solar system, this word has lost its raison d'etre!
The seven churches mentioned in Chapters 2 and 3 of the Apocalypse were real churches located in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote these lines. Many Bible commentators also believe that they represent seven distinct eras of church history. The latter is the church of Laodicea, noted for its warmth, just before the time of the Tribulation. According to another interpretation, these seven types of churches, whose members represent all levels of spirituality and faithfulness to Christ. Speaking to the faithful Christians of Philadelphia (who will be living at the time), Jesus promised that He will keep the hour of temptation (or trial) which shall come upon the world. Note that Jesus promises to keep His Church from the hour of temptation, and not "on time", or "in time" of temptation, as some post-millennial say.
Noah was saved from the wrath of God manifested by the flood. But he knew this time! Lot was saved from the wrath of God, but he knew this time! Jesus promised His Church that He will keep the hour of temptation that comes upon the world. She did not know this time.
Here's another interesting point in the Apocalypse, the Church is only mentioned until chapter 3. In the first verse Chapter 4, a voice is suddenly heard: "Come up here ...!" Is the announcement of the removal? The Church is not mentioned at all, until Chapter 21, which speaks of the Bride of Christ.
In verse 4 of Chapter 4, we referred to the twenty-four elders. The Greek word is "presbuteros" old. They sit around the throne of God, clothed in white and wearing golden crowns. Being "clothed in white" for the winners (Apocalypse: 3 / 4 - 5). In the New Testament, the crowns are still rewards. The fact that the former are well represented means that elected officials have already gone before the Court of Christ, to receive their rewards! If you doubt this interpretation, look at verse 3 of Chapter 5. We read: "And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or to look". Verse 4 adds: "And I wept much that no one was found worthy to open the book neither to look." The word "person" for men. Obviously, it is not Jesus who is both man and God, the Second Person of the Trinity.
How these twenty-four elders could they be in Heaven if they had not first been removed ? According to our understanding of Scripture, we believe that Jesus Christ is the first man to be resurrected and be entered to Heaven risen, as "first fruits of those who died."
That being established, or the saints of the Old Testament, nor those of the Tribulation, the Church can not precede the resurrection and entrance into heaven. The following passage shows:
"But now Christ is risen from the dead, the firstfruits of those who died. For since death came through a man is also a man that came the resurrection of the dead. And as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all alive, but each in his rank. Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ's at his coming "(1 Corinthians: 15 / 20 - 23).
The phrase" those who belong to Christ ", taken in context, refers to the Church. The Christians of the Church are the second to resurrect after Christ. "No other group does before resurrecting them.
If one compares the facts of what is written in Apocalypse: 7 / 13 - 14, we must draw a different conclusion:
"And one of the elders spoke up and I said: Those who are clothed in white robes, who are they and where did they come? I said: My Lord, you know. And he said: It is those who came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. "
It is indisputable that these saints of the Great Tribulation are in heaven! As we have seen in 1 Corinthians: 15 / 20 - 23, Jesus Christ is "the first fruits of those who died." These are people who belong to Him then that should be resurrected. Since Apocalypse: 7 / 13 to 14 informs us that the Tribulation saints are in heaven, it is necessary that the church was revived and removed before!
When does the Great Tribulation begins on earth? In Apocalypse: 6 / 1, we see the Lord Jesus Christ open the first seal. This marks the beginning of the Tribulation. However, something happens before that, in Chapter 5. Verses 8-10 tell us this:
"When he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of fragrances, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood men of every tribe, every tongue, every people and every nation: thou hast made of them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth ".
The twenty-four elders, or elders, are all Christians, for they speak of all those who have been redeemed for God by the blood of the Lamb.
The apostle Paul talks about the Day of the Lord in these terms:
"In terms of time and moments, you do not need it, brothers , that you writing. Because you know yourself that the day the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When men shall say, Peace and safety! then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail surprise pregnancy, and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief, you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of night nor of darkness. So do not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep sleep at night, and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But we who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and charity, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for us so that whether we wake or we sleep, we should live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as also ye do "(1 Thessalonians 5 / 1 - 11).
The Greek word translated" strive "in verse 6 is the verb "gregoreuo. It means" be vigilant. "Why did Paul ask them to see it, if this event was not imminent in the prophetic calendar of God? Paul is careful to oppose the Christians, who must ensure, to the Gentiles, who are lost and who will be surprised, like a thief in the night. But the Lord's Day does not surprise us. Understand that! If the Lord's Day should not surprise us is that we leave just before its start, and we already gone for seven years when it will end! The Lord's Day begins, or "come", just after the revelation of man's sin and the rapture of the Church.
This allows us to approach the subject of Matthew 24. In my humble opinion, this chapter is one of the least understood of the Bible, regarding the prophecy! Even doctors of divinity, who should know the Word, stumble upon this passage of Scripture and quote it completely out of context when applying it to the rapture of the Church. Common sense should make us understand that Paul knew what he was talking about in 1 Corinthians: 15 / 51 - 52, when he wrote:
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. "
What does the word" mystery "(musterion in Greek), when used in the New Testament? It refers to what was previously hidden in the Scriptures, but God reveals at one point! Paul wrote these lines about the years 59-60. We are talking about something that God had never revealed before: the kidnapping of the Church. This simple fact should make us understand that no Jesus' words in Matthew 24 does apply to the removal! You might think that this is not so important. However, a closer look at some details this chapter.
The Lord is answering the questions that ask Him His disciples. It is very likely that they are exclusively composed of Jews at that time. Jesus was not dead yet, and it was not yet the time of grace! None of the prophets of the Old Testament had announced the day of the Church, because God they had not revealed the mystery. The teachings of Jesus in Matthew 24 reflect this principle. It teaches Jews about what their generation will suffer (verse 34) that cross the Tribulation. It does not yet speak of the Church because the Church has yet be revealed. Verses 4-13 describe us is what the Jews forming the rest of the elect will suffer during this dark period of the Tribulation, this "time of Jacob's trouble".
Verse 9 says clearly: "Then shall they deliver you to tribulation, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations, because of my name." At the beginning of the Tribulation, God hallmark of 144,000 Jews. That first speech to them that Jesus intended. Verse 13 has often been misunderstood by many Christians, who apply their spiritual salvation, then it applies to the physical delivery Jews who are still alive at the return of Jesus Christ on Earth, at the end of the Tribulation.
Jesus' words in Matthew 24 can not apply to Christians, because the Church was still a mystery at this time (Ephesians: 3 / 1 - 6). Notice what Jesus says in verse 14: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world for a witness unto all nations. Then comes the end." Dear friends, the Good News of grace was still unknown at this time! The "gospel of the kingdom" was the message preached by John the Baptist and Jesus Himself: "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near!" Is this good news that the Lord is referring here.
this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached again during the Tribulation by the 144,000 of the Apocalypse 7, followed by the two witnesses of Apocalypse: 11 / 3. The end of the Tribulation, which will see the return of Jesus Christ on Earth, will not happen until the message of repentance has not been heard by all nations. They will need to know that the literal reign of Jesus Christ will soon be established on Earth. At the time when the Lord Jesus spoke to His disciples, He had just been rejected as King by the nation of Israel. He knew that His words were addressed to future generations of their descendants, who knew that the Tribulation. The Church is not concerned.
From verse 15 we see the beginning of the second half of the Tribulation. This will be a time so terrible that the Lord made the following comment in verse 21: "For then shall be great distress, there was none like it since the world began to date and it never will. "
The fact that it is the Jews who are affected by this discourse appears clearly in the parallel account of Mark: 13. Notice verse 9:
"Take care of yourselves. We will deliver to the courts, and you will be beaten in the synagogues, you will stand before governors and before kings for my sake, for their a witness. "
To my knowledge, the Jews have never been accustomed to summon Christians to their synagogues, for any reason whatsoever, much less beat them with sticks! But during the Tribulation, the 144,000 Jews will be persecuted by their elected brethren, and by the Gentiles.
In verse 20 we find this statement very interesting: "And if the Lord had shortened those days, nobody would be saved, but he has shortened, because the elect whom he chose." If God does not shorten those days, everyone would die!
This allows me to mention the verses 35 and 36, too often misinterpreted: "Watch therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house, or at night or in the middle of the night or when the rooster crows, or in the morning afraid he will find you sleeping at his sudden arrival. Many preachers have used these verses to say their meetings that nobody could know "the day and hour" of the abduction. Yet these verses have absolutely nothing to do with the kidnapping! If we take them in their proper context, we see that they refer to the return of Jesus Christ on Earth. Persecution and massacres will be so horrible that God will shorten those days, so a number of men could stay alive until the Millennium! Because this period should be shortened (it may be shorter than the number of days prophesied by Daniel), so nobody can know the exact day and time of return of the Lord! Again, these words of Jesus addressed to Jews who were under the law, not the Church under grace!
Matthew: 24 / 44 has also been used to support the argument that nobody can know the time of the kidnapping: "Therefore you too, get ready because the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. " In reality, this verse is addressed to Jews who are so terrified they will think that hide and to be completely preoccupied with their survival. They forget to count the days of the Great Tribulation their remaining life, according Daniel's prophecy.
The New Testament urges Christians to always wait the coming of the Lord, who promised to remove them and take them with him. They will not be taken by surprise, as evidenced by the following verses:
"But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief, you are all sons of the light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness. So let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober "(1 Thessalonians 5 / 4 - 6).
This proves once again that statements of Jesus in Matthew 24 can not cover the kidnapping of the Church.
Verses 29-31 say this: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun darkened, the moon will not give its light, stars fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Then sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. he shall send his angels with a trumpet loud, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. "Again, this is the return of Jesus on Earth, not the rapture of the Church.
Verses 40 and 41 are also very often used to illustrate what happens at the time of the abduction. "Then two men will be in a field, one is taken and the other left two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and other left. "In fact, these verses refer to the separation of sheep and goats which Jesus is speaking in Matthew: 25 / 33. Those who are" left "are those who will live to enter the millennial kingdom of Christ . Therefore also consider this passage in context. All this talk of Jesus on the day of His return to Earth.
It is understandable that so many commentators use Matthew 24 to describe the abduction, because these verses seem to correspond so well to this event! But, as we have seen, a closer study does not allow us to do.
Many sincere preachers have been "burned" because they had tried to announce the date of removal. Matthew: 24 / 36 does not forbid us to do so in light of everything we just said!
Currently, all world events seem to confirm what Scripture announces. The conditions for the appearance of the Antichrist are being fulfilled before our eyes. That being the case, and given everything we have said, we believe that the rapture of the church is imminent! Are you ready to go to meet the Lord in the air?
Final score:
We want to state emphatically that, if we believe in a kidnapping before the Tribulation, not because we are not enough "courage" to support the persecution of the Antichrist! Many readers will have indeed sent messages to accuse us of cowardice. It makes no sense for the simple reason that if the Church must escape the persecution of the Antichrist, it must know the past "labor pains" that must precede the Antichrist (Matthew: 24 / 8).
We encourage you to read our NEWS1408 article that talks about this very clearly. When we experience the "wars, rumors of wars, conflicts between nations and kingdoms, or earthquakes," it is very similar to the persecution of the Antichrist during the Tribulation. All Christians need to reach spiritual maturity quickly, because we do not know when we could be imprisoned, persecuted and even tortured for our faith.
It is ridiculous and completely wrong to say that we teach that the removal will take place before the Tribulation, because we want to escape persecution.
Undoubtedly, we are at the end of time. The world is on the brink of a precipice. The appearance of the man of sin is imminent.
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family prepared? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? It The purpose of this ministry, you can understand the peril we face, and help you use the means that will allow you to warn and protect those you love. When you have been thoroughly trained, you can use what you know to initiate discussions with those who are not saved. I have done many times, and I saw people come to Christ as a result of these discussions. These perilous times we live are also times when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, which will have eternal consequences.
If you already have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, but if you are lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you should immediately ask Him for forgiveness and pray for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. You will then see to pray and read the Bible every day.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, but you understand that He is alive, as we approach the end of time, and you want to accept the free gift of eternal life You can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Jesus as your Savior, you go through a spiritual rebirth, and you're guaranteed to go to heaven, as if you were already there. You can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.