Letters to My Future-Ex (34)
I could let go
Typist (name) : A person whose profession is to type text in a typewriter.
(Pocket Oxford Dictionary, 2004)
Dactylover (name) : A person whose profession of faith would be to tap our story to the dream machine. (Dictionary of the Heart Light, 2004)
I could let go, open up, trust me
But if I'm telling too
Will you still under the spell?
I could let go, open up, you entrust
But if I'm telling too
You would not have to fill yourself my empty boxes
I could let go, open up, you But if I entrust
do you say You could take too
fear I could let go, open up, you entrust
But even if I'm telling too
You'd still be far from your truth
I could let go, open up, but if you give
I'm telling too
You'll need a healer talent
I could let go, open up, you entrust
But if I'm telling too
I could not stop myself I could
let go, open up, you entrust
But if I worry I might say too
lover dose
I could let go, open up, you entrust
But if I tell thee
too I'd have to kill you afterwards.
I could let go, open up, you entrust
worry if I do not say enough
I die a little every day with my secrets
So listen. And take notes. You'll be my dactylover of record.
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