Born on Christmas Eve 1922 in a family of tobacco farmers in North Carolina, where the wicked neg 'font' ien in plantations that piss to piss the pat'ons, Ava Gardner dispassionately following courses shorthand typist to please her parents. But the girl only dreams of one thing out of his hometown full of rotten noi 'who' hile at 'eluquer de'ière her, and often visits his older sister Bea, New York' s Adoption married to a professional photographer. It totally captivated by the charm of the young Ava (yes, okay, thank you, you will not ask me all the time), takes hundreds of photographs he sent to MGM studios on the advice of a friend who works there. At 19, the beautiful sign a seven-year contract at $ 50 per week, and went to Hollywood with her sister, right fairy tale.
But the fairy tale will not last for if Ava is good, Ava comes from North Carolina, and his drawl to disband what to do more than one producer. She still gets small roles but will mainly deal with the general public by putting the bed in his leading man Mickey Rooney, married and then divorced in the wake sixteen months later, regrowth for three years the advances of billionaire Howard Hughes before cracking shabby for a musician named Artie Shaw, it can not be invented, which inevitably it will eventually break through the heart.
Side filmography, nothing to put in their mouths before The Killers in 1946, but Ava (yes, thank you) is still a figurehead without interest, to play good decoration in the films of Clark Gable, Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum and break the household becomes the mistress of Frank Sinatra, whom she married in 1951 when he divorced Nancy charming mining town of North East and shit, I'm still wrong plug. Ensue (finally) some great roles, My Forbidden Past In 1951, The Snows Kilimanjaro in 1952, Mogambo, and especially the Knights of the Round Table with Robert Taylor, not to be confused with the remake of Claude Rich disregarded because my Robert Taylor is Not Claude Rich, eh, no but.
The Barefoot Contessa makes her consecration, The Night of the Iguana finally reveals the great actress that lies behind his neck pest, and after a few films of this ilk, Ava Gardner concludes his career in 1968 and s settles in London until his last days. Who will put a little time to come, leaving him the opportunity to commit the horrible Harem in 1986 when she fell ill. Ava more too, and she finally died of pneumonia in 1990 at the age of 67. Curtain.