I do not think the quest for extraterestres is different from that of seeking God. After all it is an effort intellectuals but in areas that may be different (philosophy, sawing, reli ...). However
looking for a physical body, a material aspect is very different from that of a quest for unchanging immaterial what may be at least as religious Muslims neither palpable nor described, much less hominized (7ram and Kufr) in their subconscious! Therefore in this research by the monotheistic God is not at all comparable to that of extraterestres research should and can be a scientist.
Among Muslim the two other monotheistic religions (correct me if I'm wrong) the encounter with God is already sealed. In fact, they are in communion with him and Premana anyway they meet in the beyond the day of Judgement. The question is now closed and we can not talk about seeking God but reconciliation with him on the ground by the operation of the Holy Spirit and met some in the beyond. Among other
hence non-religious people who for most of them retiscents adopt atheism as intellectuals route and mode of reasoning (atheism is not a religion as it should be regarded as a philosophy that emphasizes Logos, therefore, doubt, questioning ... as opposed to unreason the dogma that dictates assumptions and frozen to give a compelling reason not to be afraid of nothingness and the unknown to me).
So from that point of view atheist questioning the existence of God is necessarily needed or even deadly. For it is in progress and the individual account and that is what makes a man stronger.
Is not the curiosity that makes it well placed to him even master of its future? For atheists there is no God because in the end we will eventually prove something physical and tangible in our scientific quest and Intellectual constant material in the field (which is contrary to God immaterial of believers).
Note here that we should not erect the atheist as a denier of God but who in fact moving towards nothingness, step by step, trying to unravel the unknown without qualififer regent of God of the universe for the good of humanity and its progress.
Thus, the atheist does not care much nothingness he Cares what can be done to advance the discovery not of God but which allows us to have and preserve what makes we the class of the most advanced living reign on earth, or the intellect (as opposed to those who would accept and not think and be, today the equivalent of our ancestors, or hominids our relatives the apes) ! In this context the idea agnostic is tempting for those who have an obsession with God. Those who consider the idea that wants so long as science does not prove his existence, God does not exist. In this case there is a deliberate, implicitly lead to a final search on nothing materialized in God knowing that there is more one moves closer to the infinite mercy! It is mathematical and I do not personally think of the interest to humans seen inevitable, in fact, leave the field of experimentation equipment to that of metaphysics and the loop is then looped through an obvious failure!
Whether that is a discussion on the infinite nothingness without palpable matter and So without results and / or acceptance of dogma that attempts to reinforce the direct effects be due to his intellectual failure.
In fact the question is to treat those who can manage their fears of emptiness and the unknown by providing an ideal land, those who invent metaphysical subterfuge to calm down ... Alas for them, it hypocrite!
by PM
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